Organizational Change

A Guide to Storytelling for Organizational Change


For organizations committed to continuous improvement, stories are key to creating and sustaining organizational change. Few things are as compelling as a great story. Etched on our memories more vividly than numbers and statistics alone, stories captivate, inspire, and persuade. By telling stories of the innovations resulting from organizational change efforts, you can:

  • 聘请内部利益相关者文化转型
  • 告知客户和外部利益相关者您的组织愿景和效果的变化
  • Enlighten the general public about your expertise and experience
  • 获得关于您的组织转型的形成性反馈,可以帮助您的团队修改和调整您的未来的努力

Although storytelling is part of our collective DNA, crafting persuasive stories with the purpose of driving organizational change calls for careful strategy.


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改变需要参与。本指南中的故事共享技术将帮助您从整个组织中吸引人员 - 从前线员工到执行领先地位 - 以利用组织的集体智能,并在组织转型中取得更大的参与。作为专家写作顾问,我们支持思想领先的组织,用于收集,分析和传播驱动组织任务的故事。探索我们的专业写作和内容战略会议,以了解如何成为如何成为未展开的客户端。



  • Use the first 5-10 minutes of every meeting for swapping success stories.
  • 安排每月或季度“开放式”汇编围绕特定组织主题的故事分享。
  • 鼓励员工写下并分享他们听到关于组织变革努力的报价。我们称之为这些“值得注意的报价”并建议将它们放在共享文件中,如Google表。
  • Build a space for sharing stories or “notable quotes” into exit briefs or evaluation interviews/surveys that are already being conducted as part of your organizational change efforts.

Such integrative strategies will inspire a culture of storytelling that will help you gather stories from the bottom-up as well as circulate strategic messages from the top-down.

How to Collect Stories of Organizational Transformation




Connect with the person you’re interviewing through small talk about a safe, neutral topic (“how’s your day going so far?”) and thanking them for taking the time to talk with you. Make sure to also explain the purpose of the interview and give them a quick road-map of what they can expect (what kinds of questions will be asked, how long it will take). If you’re recording the conversation, first ask their permission to do so. Start with easier, close-ended questions to “break the ice.”

Try to avoid questions that result in “yes or no” answers. Instead, askhow, when, what,image-based问题,如:

  • How do you feel about the organizational change?
  • 你什么时候开始相信这项倡议的工作?为什么?你是如何开始反应的?你的感受随着时间的推移而变化吗?
  • 绘画日常工作的图片以及由于这一计划,如何变化。
  • What was going through your mind when you first heard about the initiative?
  • 您的同事,管理人员,高管或客户的故事会出于这一倡议而脱颖而出吗?



How to Actively Listen to Employees and Stakeholders

You’ve likely heard of active listening, and nowhere is it more important than when gathering stories. Practice active listening through your body language (eye contact, nodding your head) and affirming language (“uh, huh,” “I see”). Paraphrase responses back to him or her to confirm the idea has been understood correctly (called “reflection” in psychology) and show that you’re listening carefully. Listen for not only content, but also the speaker’s tone, body posture, and other non-verbal communication. Attending to gestures, facial expressions, and emotion-excitement, concern, contemplation-can help you to write more compelling, emotionally charged stories.

How to Collect Stories of Organizational Change

We recommend audio recording your interviews so you can keep your eyes on your interviewee and not on your notebook. That said, it’s also good to jot down key points made in your interview along with an approximate time stamp when they were articulated-that way you can more easily retrieve key quotes from the recording.

For more extended qualitative research projects, we like to use NVivo coding software. For one of our book projects, we first transcribed our interviews using Express Scribe software, uploaded the transcriptions to NVivo, and coded the transcripts along the key themes that emerged in the interviews and that we aimed to highlight through our stories. NVivo can be especially helpful if you’re interviewing and writing collaboratively, as the software can be shared and accessed virtually.



每个人都有朋友或家庭成员,他们是天然讲故事者 - 在假日餐时持有每个人的休息的人,那些年后的故事会继续召回。您是否认为自己是其中一个“自然”,您可以使用以下步骤开始磨练您的工艺。




Step 2: Frame your story.

Now it’s time to fill in the details. Write down everything you know about your story of organizational change, gathering key passages and quotes from your interviews. A whiteboard, large sketch pad, or even post-its can come in handy to help you visualize your narrative arc.




As you continue to write your story, locate any and every example of impacts across the areas, and make sure to include at least one anecdote or quote about each of them.



  • 在线研讨会和演讲(o奠定基调f the change in the context of teaching and learning)
  • Meetings and Conference Calls (for sharing informal, short stories and reminding staff of the purpose and meaning of the change)
  • 视频(用于吸引多种感官和绘画行动中的文化变革图片)
  • Articles and Blog Posts (for communicating changes and inspiring conversation internally)
  • 白皮书(用于沟通技术知识或专业知识)
  • 社交媒体(用于传播您的组织视觉和企业)
  • 期刊文章(用于到达专家受众以及通知更广泛的公众)


Join Untold’s虚拟创新讲故事培训雷竞技raybet提现为了获得更深层次,沉浸性的理解和策略,以鼓励您的组织变革和创新。


雷竞技电竞竞猜Untold Content是一支专家写作顾问的团队,与思想领先的组织合作,用于制作促进组织任务的清晰,令人信服的内容。与我们的团队合作,check out our technical writing and content marketing services。了解更多关于我们的经验storytelling for organizational change

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