








David A. Bossert是一位屡获殊荣的艺术家、电影制作人和作家。他在华特迪士尼公司工作了32年,在那里他为《谁陷害了兔子罗杰》(1988)、《小美人鱼》(1989)、《美女与野兽》(1991)、《阿拉丁》(1992)、蒂姆·伯顿的《圣诞夜噩梦》(1993)、《狮子王》(1994)、《幻想曲/2000》(1999)等作品贡献了自己的才华。博塞特是一位独立制片人、创意总监和作家,他被认为是迪士尼艺术和动画历史上的权威。博塞特是众多关于动画的书籍和文章的作者。他最近的书是,Kem Weber:迪士尼工作室中世纪的家具设计(旧工厂出版社,2018年)和蒂姆伯顿的圣诞节前的噩梦:Visual Companion(迪士尼版,2021)。学习更多在www.davidbossert.com


这一集的动力来自于Untold Content的创新叙雷竞技电竞竞猜事雷竞技raybet提现.在这个身临其境、互动、故事驱动的体验中,增加你最好的想法的购买。在这里,你的团队为他们最新的项目、原型和宣传改进讲故事的技巧,并从25个具有影响力的创新故事的史诗般的例子中获得灵感。学习更多在www.hchb688.com/雷竞技raybet提现trainings/innovation-storytelling-training-for-individuals

凯蒂Trauth泰勒[00:00:04]欢迎来到非国有创新故事,在那里我们扩大了由无国内内容提供技术支持的洞察力,影响和创新的解开故事。雷竞技电竞竞猜我是你的主人,凯蒂泰勒。我们的客人今天是Dave Bossert,他是一家屡获殊荣的制片人,创意总监和作家。他是前生产者,创意总监和沃尔特迪斯尼动漫工作室经典项目。戴夫,我今天很感激你今天播客。你已经创造了一些完全改变了我的生活的艺术和工作。而且我知道这么多的听众都很激动,以便在你的大脑里面进入你的大脑,并了解你对创新和讲故事的独特作用。




戴夫;波士[00:01:12]我觉得人们当你成长时,你知道,孩子们总是喜欢,哦,我想成为这个,或者我想成为这一点。而现实是,我不认为我们中的任何人都真的知道我们将成为那个年轻人。你知道,有些孩子会想成为消防员或警察,或者我的兄弟们对想要成为飞行员和宇航员的地狱弯曲。有时候你会跟进那些对我的事情。我喜欢艺术。当我进入高中时,我真的专注于发展一些艺术技能。我很幸运能拥有一位非常伟大的高中艺术老师,我认为今天有点缺乏供应。我想当学区削减预算时,他们通常先去艺术。是的,但是当我在高中时,我有这个真正的古典训练有素的艺术老师。他是一位成熟的艺术家,他真的鼓励我。 And I really look back on that as being one of those people that really sort of pointed me in a direction. And when I got out of high school, I enrolled in an advertising art program at a local college in New York. And while I was there, I took a class that was called TV Graphics. Now, this is pre-computer days. But it was the first time I actually created a piece of animation with my artwork where I took a piece of artwork and I created motion with it.





通过动画创新讲故事Dave Bossert引用图像




戴夫;波士我想,好吧,我要回纽约,我要做广告,因为我想做广告。我想我可以在纽约做动画广告。然后我的一个朋友在迪士尼工作,他说,嘿,你为什么不把你的作品集送过来呢?因为他们真的需要一些帮助来完成一部电影。所以我说,好吧,让我来做。我可以拍张照片,然后就回纽约。所以我把我的作品寄给了迪士尼,他们马上就雇佣了我。我开始在特效部工作,为一部叫《黑釜》的电影工作,那是一部不太成功的迪士尼动画电影。但它在我心中确实有一个特殊的位置,因为这是我第一次参与拍摄的照片。我当时很疯狂,因为我想,好吧,我会继续制作这张照片,我会尽可能多地攒钱。 And I’ll head back to New York. And I did a lot of overtime and all I was doing was like I started my first week there. I worked six days, I worked Saturday. And then after five months, I started working seven days a week to get that picture finished and just was making tons of money because I was getting paid overtime and golden time and all this stuff. And I didn’t have any time to spend the money. I was just putting it all in the bank. And I figured by the time that picture was getting finished, I’d get laid off and maybe spend a month on the beach figuring out what I wanted to do and then go back to New York. And and so towards the end of that picture, they actually started laying people off. And I saw people I’d be working with who had been there for years. I was the last guy hired into the department. So I thought, well, I’ll be the first guy left out. And they’re letting all these people go around me. And finally, it was May of nineteen eighty five. And I was working on one of the last special effects scenes in the picture, and I finally went down the hall to the production manager and I said, “Hey, you know Don,” who’s a friend of mine now, I said, “”Don, can you give me a sense of when you’re going to lay me off so I could just kind of plan ahead?” And he looked up at me and he said, “Dave, we’re not going to lay you off.” He goes, “You’ve been working so hard, we’re keeping you.” And. And I think my jaw hit the floor and my eyes became saucers. And I was so surprised. And I said, well, can I at least take a couple of weeks off to rest while working so hard. And so I wanted to take it a little bit of a vacation. But that was kind of how I wound up getting in there and I thought I literally thought for the next, like, five pictures. I worked on that at the end of each one. I was just at the end of this picture, I’ll get laid off and I and like all of a sudden, like thirty two years later, I was like, wow, know? I mean, you look back and you go, what a career.

凯蒂Trauth泰勒[00:08:45]哦,我的善良。And for those of you who maybe don’t know, we’re talking the types of pictures you got to work on, that you played an integral role in The Little Mermaid, who framed Roger Rabbit, the rescuers down Under Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin and the Lion King, Pocahontas, Hunchback of Notre Dame, Hercules, every single one. It feels like these treasured what are now classics, who we pass on to our children and our grandchildren. What an incredible career.

Dave Bossert,迪士尼动画和创新讲故事





戴夫;波士[00:10:56] Well, you know, I mean, to me and this really, I think applies to anything to do with the art of creating something, whether you’re creating a painting or writing a book or creating a piece of music, it really starts in your head. And when I was animating at the studio, I’d get a scene and I’d go over the scene with the effects supervisor and usually the director to get a sense of what it was that they were looking for. Some scenes were straightforward and you knew exactly what you needed to do. But in other scenes, you really needed to kind of get into the head of the director, the storyteller of that picture and understand what they were looking for. And you had to be aware of where your work fit into the whole of the picture and with special effects. For the most part, special effects are like a supporting character to the actual characters in the film. And oftentimes in a picture, the special effects become the dominant feature. There’s some sort of climactic, spectacular thing where it requires a lot of special effects work to really help tell that story point convincingly. And so for me, after. We are talking with the director of the effects supervisor, I oftentimes went back to my office and sat in a chair and and just literally close my eyes and started thinking about that scene until I was able to actually visualize it and visualize exactly how I was going to approach it and how I was going to draw that scene. And that’s really what I often do even today, whether if I do a sculpture or I’m in the midst of writing another book, my mind is constantly working and thinking about that. And then at some point it comes out of your hands and you create. And that’s really how I look at it.



凯蒂Trauth泰勒[00:14:13] You know, I’m thinking of the the time that many companies now are giving to their employees to just be free, Google giving, I think it’s 20 percent of employee’s time and saying you have to spend 20 percent of your workweek not working and then apply that that thinking. Those are the insights you uncover during that time to the rest of your work. I guess one question I have is, did you ever feel guilty about making that time to just sit and be quiet? Or did you feel a lot of pressure from the outside to look productive in those times that you knew productivity was happening? But maybe earlier in your career, did you feel guilty or worried that you didn’t seem as though you were making things happen in those moments?

戴夫;波士[00:14:59]不,我从来没有真正对此有罪。我可能很早,我并没有真正有这么多的时间坐在那里,因为当你进入任何业务时,它就会。但是当我进入迪士尼时,我进入低级位置。所以我被打电话在介于偶尔之间,所以我正在填写,绘画。所以基本上,动画师已经制定了现场的愿景。而且,你知道,助手将它带到某个点。然后它归结为我填写了额外的图纸,所以不得不考虑它将是什么的方式。但是,随着我通过队伍进行的,成为一个动画师和一个监督动画师,视觉效果主管知道那些是你开始坐下的地方,只是真正想象你要做的事情。每个艺术家都有自己的过程,他们自己的方式。有些人会坐下来,只是开始绘画和一些钉子的东西。 Other people are going to sit for a little bit, maybe a couple of hours or a half a day and just think about things and companies today that are giving their employees that time to take for themselves whatever job you’re doing. You’re never really not doing it because you’re thinking about it either on a conscious or a subconscious level. Your mind is always going and you’re always thinking whether you’re writing code for something, which to me is a very creative process. But people have to think about that. So driving to work, driving home from work while you’re sleeping, your mind is still working and still processing what it is that you’re doing or going to do.


戴夫;波士嗯,你知道,对我来说,我认为任何你要研究的东西我都有一些很好的例子,也许我会直接告诉你,就像写一本书这个简单的行为驱使我去发明一些根本不存在的东西。当时我正在写一本关于多莉的书迪斯尼决定,这是1946年萨尔瓦多·达利和沃尔特·迪斯尼合作的一部短片它将被改编成一部类似于《幻想曲》的电影。当我写那本书的时候,我一直在想,我希望人们看那部短片,因为即使多莉和迪斯尼在1946年没有完成电影,我是一个团队的一员,在2003年完成了电影。所以我们有了这个精彩的六分钟短片。当我在写这两者之间的合作的故事时。20世纪的艺术家,艺术界的两位巨匠,我一直在心里想,我希望人们能够看电影,为什么我们不能把电影写进书里呢?所以对我来说,我一直在思考这个问题。我找到了一个在迪士尼工程部门工作的人,他是显示技术方面的专家。我向他介绍了我自己,我们一起喝了杯咖啡,告诉他们我想做什么。我们最终做了一个原型。 I took it. I took a book and I cut out some of the pages up front and we put a screen in and we embedded the movie on a chip and had a play. But then everything. And I shot a little less than a minute teaser on my iPhone. And I and I emailed it to the publishing people that were publishing my book. And I said, I think we should do this maybe as a special edition or something like that. And I got a call like in five minutes after I sent that and they flipped out, they couldn’t believe it. They had never seen anything like that before. And we wound up putting it together. And it took about two years to get it to market because it had never been done before. And there are things like the spine of the book had to be a quarter inch taller than the thickness of all the paper that went in the book to accommodate the thickness of this seven inch, high def screen that we put in and the electronics and the flat battery and all of these things. And we wound up putting it all together. And it was to me, I get the most joy when I go out to speak about this, because I usually bring a copy of that book and I will stick my finger up inside the cover and press the button. And I hold the book up and then I open it and they see the movie playing on a screen. And there is this oh oh that goes across the audience, you know, one hundred, one hundred fifty people that you’re talking to and they all go, Oh, I’ve never seen that before and I get such a charge out of that. But to me my thinking process is that no matter what you’re doing, how can you wow people or entertain somebody or do something different that people haven’t seen before? And that was the case of taking existing technology and merging it into a book and being able to do that again. I think if I hadn’t built the prototype of it and I just explained it to somebody at publishing, they would have patted me on the head and said, “Oh, that’s nice, Dave. Now go back to work and finish that book.” Sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith and just go do something. But to me, that’s the fun about creating stuff. And it all boils down to story. And I don’t care what you’re involved with, if you’re hocking new sparkling water, there’s a story to be told, you know, and you’ve got to figure out what is that story that you want to tell to people. Obviously, when I write books, one of the best compliments I get from people is I felt like you were sitting next to me telling me the story.







戴夫;波士[00:24:37]当我离开迪士尼时,我一直在努力建立在19世纪三十九年的肯尼堡桌上。当我离开时,他们说,你想要你的桌子吗?而且我就像,绝对。而且我实际上坐着。1936年三十九个肯·韦伯动漫办公桌与你交谈,这就是我现在写下书籍的地方。And I was sitting here working on a book that’s coming out next year, and I kind of sat back as I was typing one day and I started just kind of looking at the desk and you have flashbacks of memories from different pictures you worked on and stuff like that. But I was sitting here looking at the desk, as I’m doing right now, as I tell you this story. And I thought, I wonder if anybody’s written anything about this furniture, because this was specialized furniture that was created for the animation process at the Walt Disney Studios. And I wonder if anybody has documented this. And so, you know, I wound up blowing the afternoon doing research on that instead of writing the book that I was working on. And it turned out there really was no documentation on it. And I decided this would make a great book. I want to do this book. And then I was met with the from the publishers. Well, it’s kind of a niche topic, Dave. You know, who’s really going to buy this book? You know, we don’t see they didn’t see it as something that they could sell twenty five thousand copies of. And so everybody passed on it and then I still decided, well, I’m going to go do this book anyway because I want to do it. It was an image to the furniture I had worked on for thirty two years at the studio that I’m still working on today, that I felt like this furniture had a soul to it and there was a story to be told. And so I just went ahead and did it. And I found Cambers archives up in Santa Barbara, found a lot of great material there and images of a lot of his artwork and early designs and all of that. And I did the book and I published it. Yeah.







戴夫;波士嗯,就像我想在做一个项目的同时拍一部纪录片,而这个项目需要我做很多评分环节。我想拍一部关于音乐和动画的纪录片。然后就会有人问你为什么要这么做?我当时就想,因为它还没有被真正覆盖,也没有被记录下来。因为我在做谱曲工作,所以我很容易拍下这些东西,然后采访作曲家之类的。我不知道我是不是不确定。然后我回去说,看,我已经为这个项目的评分环节付过钱了。我们要去国会唱片公司。我们在国会唱片公司历史悠久的录音室舞台上。我真的很想拍这些东西。 And then finally, it was like, well, what are you going to do with it? Well, it’ll be educational. It’ll give some insight into how we do things and to go into film festivals and blah, blah. OK, we’ll go ahead and do it.


戴夫;波士你知道,所以我倾向于用这种方式来处理事情,并超越我正在做的事情去思考。你知道,我怎么你知道,关于写书我想了很多。当我写那本肯·韦伯关于家具的书时,我真的觉得我需要把这本书本身提升为一件艺术品。所以我非常投入地与打印机交谈,选择一个较重的磨砂纸和书中所有的图像。我想给这本书涂上点光漆,我真的想让人们觉得这本书有一种触觉体验。很多人对我说这本书本身就是一件艺术品因为我们使用的印刷技术。这是非常合作的,因为我跟打印机说,我们能做些什么很酷的事情?他会给我看一些样品。你知道,我们决定在书的封面上加上一些木头的纹理。所以当你第一次拿起这本书的时候,你能感觉到你能感觉到书封面上的木纹。 And that was sort of just high concept-wise, bringing you into this world of this wood furniture that was built for the Disney Studios. And that’s kind of how my mind works when I’m dealing with these types of projects. How do you do something different that hasn’t been done before so that what you’re working on isn’t just the run of the mill? You know?



戴夫;波士(00:35:06)噢,是的。是的。我真的有个未来的约会。我要把我在二战后写的所有文章,都写进一本有更多信息和图片之类的书里。但这也是我的热情所在,今天更是如此,因为在这个国家乃至全世界都存在这样的分歧。人们似乎是如此的分裂和愤怒,你知道,政治局势是如此的不友好。我对二战的那段时期很着迷,因为它被称为“最伟大的一代”。那是大家齐心协力的时期。每个人,你知道,每个人不管你是去军队服役还是呆在家里为国家服务在工厂里生产飞机和坦克之类的东西。在那段时间,所有人似乎都走到了一起,迪士尼工作室也不例外。 They were part of that. They contributed greatly, creating training films and all kinds of things, you know, and when the government came knocking, they answered the call. And there’s just such wonderful warmth about that period, even though it’s part of a horrific world war, you know. And so finding all those individual stories like the Mickey Mouse gas mask and how that came about and what the thinking was and the fact that the British were telling children with their gas masks that it was Mickey Mouse, even though it wasn’t they were using that term to try and soften it and quell the nerves of the children when they were going into air raid shelters.












凯蒂Trauth泰勒[00:43:45]是的,绝对是。这是一个美丽的形象。我喜欢大胆和冒险的想法,以便不仅仅是让这个想法成为胜利者,而且为了让这成为另一个团队成员的助手,他们可能能够在或重新申请或重新申请或重新申请或重新申请或建立it to get everyone moving in the direction it’s meant to go. Absolutely.


凯蒂Trauth泰勒[00:45:07]是的,我完全同意。百分之百。如此戴夫,我很感激你今天做的时间与我们交谈,了解创造力和发明和持久性。你可以在@dave_bossert的社交媒体上追踪大卫,并查看他的网站David Bossert,阅读了他的书。我非常感谢您今天分享的所有见解。











通过使用Scott Kirsner的内部叙述构建您的品牌

与Scott Kirsner合作,通过内部讲故事建立你的品牌



与机器人与merritt moore,芭蕾舞女演员,物理学家和有抱负的宇航员跳舞

“你可以有创造力,你可以有艺术感,你可以想要有所发现,这并不可怕。你可以做任何你想做的事。但只是想…我想通过创建它,比想要提供一个不同的图像,然后,它允许人们的想象力,也许我可以有一个机器人足球运动员或者像,你知道,如果是跳舞的布鲁诺火星,那么这个机器人可以做其他的事情。——梅里特·摩尔(Merritt Moore),芭蕾舞女演员、物理学家和有抱负的宇航员

穿着Liana Chaouli头球

与Liana Chaouli一起穿衣

“我想要融合治疗世界、形象世界和服装世界,因为无论你走到哪里,你就在那里。”你不能把自己的一切都抛在脑后。- Liana Chaouli

通过使用Scott Kirsner的内部叙述构建您的品牌

与Scott Kirsner合作,通过内部讲故事建立你的品牌



与机器人与merritt moore,芭蕾舞女演员,物理学家和有抱负的宇航员跳舞

“你可以有创造力,你可以有艺术感,你可以想要有所发现,这并不可怕。你可以做任何你想做的事。但只是想…我想通过创建它,比想要提供一个不同的图像,然后,它允许人们的想象力,也许我可以有一个机器人足球运动员或者像,你知道,如果是跳舞的布鲁诺火星,那么这个机器人可以做其他的事情。——梅里特·摩尔(Merritt Moore),芭蕾舞女演员、物理学家和有抱负的宇航员

穿着Liana Chaouli头球

与Liana Chaouli一起穿衣

“我想要融合治疗世界、形象世界和服装世界,因为无论你走到哪里,你就在那里。”你不能把自己的一切都抛在脑后。- Liana Chaouli


与IRI的Lee Green一起探讨研发的未来

