与Temi和Busayo Odunlami在数字时代蓬勃发展



“每个人和一切都在走向更虚拟平台。我们希望确保没有能够获得技术的人,可以访问将推动它们的资源。”-temi Odunlami,十亿强



我们与Temi和Busayo Odunlami关于他们的非营利性工作欧元强劲是一个旨在通过三管齐下的方法寻求授权人员的组织,包括数字专业知识,商业专业知识和社会专业知识。对他们来说,恐惧和不适的感觉往往发生在一个达到奇妙机会的门槛之前,应该被接受。Temi和Busayo Odunlami通过专注于Tech的同理心,关怀和股权,让人们成为长度大放制员。


Temi Odunlami是教育家,经济学家,数据分析师和项目经理。作为十亿强势的董事,Temi希望在全球范围内激发和抬起年轻人,以建立未来的产品和服务,同时创造新的就业和新业务,为他们的社区和社会提供服务。RAYBET雷官网她认为,该框架支持个人在技术驱动的世界中发展所需的创业精神所需的转型。

Busayo Odunlami作为Ernst&Young Global Consulting Services的一名高级,以及亿亿吨董事。RAYBET雷官网Busayo和亿的团队认为,实现经济独立,有十亿个精力充沛,坚定的个人认为,如果允许机会,将热切地获得在当今不断变化的全球环境中取得成功所需的数字,社交和商业技能十亿强劲的强势旨在提供收购机会。




这一集由Untold内容的创新讲故事供电雷竞技电竞竞猜雷竞技raybet提现。在这种沉浸式和互动的故事驱动的经验中增加购买。您的团队在哪个讲故事技术的最新项目,原型和投票 - 并通过25个史诗般的创新故事的史诗例子来启发。了解更多//www.hchb688.com/innovationstorytelling雷竞技raybet提现training-2/

Katie Trauth Taylor:[00:00:04]欢迎来到创新的不陈述故事,在那里我们扩大了洞察力,影响和创新的解开故事。由未结块内容提供支持。雷竞技电竞竞猜我是你的主人,Katie Trauth Taylor。

Katie Trauth Taylor:(00:00:19)我们今天的客人是Temi和Busayo Odunlami。他们都是十亿强大基础的联合创始人。Temi是An Ed Tech公司的项目经理,Busayo是一家大型四个咨询公司的经理。非常感谢您对播客进行播客,谈论更多大约亿强大的基础以及您正在做的所有创新工作。

Temi Odunlami:[00:00:41]非常感谢你邀请我们,凯蒂。

Busayo Odunlami:[00:00:43]谢谢你让我们。

Katie Trauth Taylor:[00:00:44]因此,告诉我们更多大约十亿个强大的基础,以及你的使命是什么。

Temi Odunlami:(00:00:51)好吧,我们的使命是让十亿年轻人拥有数字、社交和商业技能,在这样一个时代,一切都在迅速变化,每个人、每件事都在朝着一个更加虚拟的平台前进。我们希望确保那些能够使用这些东西的人能够适当地使用它们来进一步发展自己。那些没有技术、电脑和智能手机的人也有机会获得推动他们前进并给予他们教育的资源。

Katie Trauth Taylor:[00:01:23]这是如此非常重要,尤其是现在。我觉得在所有这些挑战中都有这样一个技术技能的紧迫性,以及我们必须在没有真正在一起的情况下连接的方式。

Temi Odunlami:[00:01:36]是的。

Busayo Odunlami:[00:01:37]肯定。

Katie Trauth Taylor:[00:01:38]是的。那么你的创新故事是什么?是什么导致你这一刻才能创造十亿强大?

Busayo Odunlami:(00:01:45)这是个好问题。所以我想,你知道,对我来说,十亿强大的基础大约13年来始于纽约哈莱姆的哥伦比亚大学研究生。该大学正在进一步扩展校园,进一步进入哈林,自然地产市场正在调整,所以租金和财产价值观上升。所以我和一所新闻学校研究生有点注意到,如果他们刚刚在网上和有一个网站上的徽标时,有些企业可能会在这种变化中生存这种变化,可能会创建一个推特档案。显然,今天,这将是闻所未闻的。但是......不幸的是,市场真的很快,超过一半的客户失业。因此,这是对我的曝光,因为需要更容易到高档的方式。后来在我的职业生涯中,作为一个初级专业助理的世界银行工作的机会使我能够让我对发展社交网络计划的热情。在这个例子中,我是我加入银行。我很乐意拥有更多的指导比可用的更能推导。 You have these retirees who have twenty five years of experience. They’re going on to the next level of their career where they’re going to be in and the sort of consultants outside of the bank and…. Let’s have a mentorship program where they provide their technical experience and for us as the associates, we can do digital reverse mentoring and many other projects sort of help to really push my need to just sort of see how there’s like always a need for skill. And the culmination for me happened while I was in Abidjan. I was in Ivory Coast and I was working to develop and support a global youth entrepreneurship program. And this was an initiative where we said, “we have many leaders across the continent. Let’s bring them together.” And while we were doing that, we found out that there was such a significant need to upscale everybody who didn’t actually get selected into our program. And the only logical way was to take the three pillars that I’d noticed. Looking at the past 15 years, regardless of whatever change you always have the need for, wherever these individuals are to have digital skills, social skills and business skills. And I approached Temi last year and asked if she would love to execute her vision. And I can let her tell you more about that.

Temi Odunlami:[00:05:04]是的。谢谢。谢谢你,布萨约。所以,你知道,我的创新经历和他在非洲的经历很相似。我有机会在一个农业研究所工作。尼日利亚以出口石油而闻名。但是政府想要做的是为即将毕业的年轻人创造就业机会,他们并不知道自己真正想做什么。现在,我们有很多人才可以发挥作用,而这正是我们所缺少的。因此,通过这个项目,他们想把农业变成年轻人可以掌握的东西,用尼日利亚所有的可耕地来复兴。不幸的是,很多可以在中国生产的产品都要进口。 So the government started training these graduates on how to build their farm, how to grow crops, how to use the tools, how to start fisheries, how to create biofuels of byproducts, and how to add value to a lot of Nigeria’s staple crops like yams, cassava, rice, and turning those things into globally recognized food items like breads and chips and snacks. And so just working on that project and seeing how lawyers and some doctors, you know, they were changing their career path and embracing farming and agribusiness as something that was profitable for themselves, but also would help revamp Nigeria’s economy. That was just eye opening for me. And just knowing that if they had steady access to electricity or the Internet or just being able to create websites to promote their farms and their crops, how much of a difference that would make in their ultimate goal of generating revenue from farming. So, you know, that was something that was always on my mind, that, yes, they have these tools to do this thing, that the government wants to promote the economy. But how far can it go if they’re not able to reach outside of the economy? How far can it go if they are able to start exporting their goods? And so that idea of, you know, creating a platform or making them more aware of being able to sell themselves online was on my mind. And now currently at my current job as I work on a project where we’re creating e-patients for doctors and nurses or future doctors or nurses actually that are studying and are unable to go into the hospital and complete clinical rotations. But now they have the opportunity to diagnose a patient. Albeit a 3D patient, but they’re able to get that education that they can’t get from going to the hospital. They have that right in their pockets on their phones or on their laptops. And so the idea of breaking down barriers and bringing technology to people who otherwise wouldn’t be able to access it has always been a passion of mine. And then when Busayo tapped me on the shoulder to do this, I thought, this is exactly what I’ve been trying to get into. I want to be able to be a part of the movement of bringing this knowledge, bringing these skills to a vast group of people, whether they’re in Africa or whether they’re just in our neighborhoods, but aren’t familiar with using online platforms to promote their business or gaining social skills or learning digital skills beyond basic coding.

Katie Trauth Taylor:[00:08:23]绝对地。这是我研究的问题之一。作为我论文研究的一部分,是某些社区中数字素养的一些挑战。并且是社会和经济和文化和种族的关系,我们如何查看技术。还有年龄。

Temi Odunlami:[00:08:47]是的。

Katie Trauth Taylor:(00:08:48)显然,你认为,我认为我们不应该做出太多假设,因为很多老年人都非常有数字识字。但显然,如果您愿意或他们认为世界的方式,每一代都有自己的数字识字级别,因为他们以这种不同的方式使用技术或在此类年龄较年轻的年龄地暴露于它。But there’s so many different factors when I think about what’s involved, when someone is resistant to learning about technology or has a barrier to overcome in terms of how they might be able to use it better in order to get ahead or have more options in life.

Temi Odunlami:[00:09:33]是的,我完全同意。我注意到我已经注意到的一件事就是使用技术舒适的是他们的安全。你知道,你要么你要把自己放在那里,或者有人可以破解你的电脑并获取您的信息。One thing that we really want to focus on in, as far as upscaling digital skills, is cybersecurity and, you know, basics from how to create a secure password to how to make sure that you’re not being phished or clicking on suspicious links. That kind of thing is not really taught in schools, but that is something that is so readily available on YouTube or online. And we want to bring that to people so they learn that even if they’re not searching for it, they have a place where they can see that easily and be more comfortable being online.

Katie Trauth Taylor:[00:10:18]这是一个如此明显的观点。还有,我认为接下来你知道,一个相关的问题是能够理解信息是准确的,事实和事实上的能力。并且能够培训和帮助人们能够获得评估来源并知道它是否可靠,并指的是多个来源。那是另一个地区。我认为这是能够成为负责任的公民的重要组成部分。所以这是我认为这是这谈话的另一个区域。你也谈过了吗?

Busayo Odunlami:(00:10:59)好吧,我的意思是,我认为我们已经谈到了数字识字。但我认为,我们以前有点跑过来的那种赌场,这是我们将要谈论数字识字和能力,我认为我们必须先谈论实际曝光。你知道,我们现在在这个场景中,在美国,您有个人获得高速互联网的获得,并且对数字技术产品很少接触。而且也在其他发展中国家以及中部市场和低收入国家。因此,能够实现数字识字和能力的状态,他们需要实际拥有互联网并拥有智能手机,而不是模仿智能手机的手机。所以,你知道,对于我们来说,我们想要做的一件事真的是......开始建立我们的政府管道,然后是那些我们帮助弥合访问鸿沟的各种实体计划。因为如果我们弥合了访问鸿沟,那么你可以到达一种数字信心的状态,因为......

Katie Trauth Taylor:(00:12:22)是的。

Busayo Odunlami:[00:12:23]在智能手机里。

Katie Trauth Taylor:[00:12:25]是的,绝对访问是第一个关键任务。现在有很多谈话,特别是在医疗保健中,由于大流行中的远程健康增加,这并不一定是全部,你知道,花和玫瑰,如果你愿意的,那就比喻。正确的。访问是如此挑战,许多人没有计算机或智能手机,他们可以与他们的医疗提供者或与他们的教师或雇主进行虚拟对话。

Busayo Odunlami:[00:13:03]Well, I mean, you know, just even with the libraries, right, with you know, I remember I loved going to the library in middle school and in times like this where there’s no school… The library was the one place where, you know, you could go. You can’t go there in the COVID time. So how are we…? If I don’t have a computer at home and I can’t go to the library. And that access part is super important. And I think there are definitely initiatives that are happening, I know in California they… there are really good, concerted efforts to make sure that all the students who require access to laptops have laptops.

Katie Trauth Taylor:[00:13:41]绝对地。不,这太重要了。我认为很多学区都在质疑,因为他们提出了替代计划,因为他们是否会开放,以及他们将如何在需要的话,特别是在需要的话,特别是这一秋天。你能告诉我们,你知道,在这一点的某种程度上,你知道的方式,你知道,十亿强势的方式是在某种程度上,你的经营战略和你的组织的战略必须适应这个时代we’re living in right now?

Busayo Odunlami:[00:14:17]哇。这是一个如此多管齐下的答案。我的意思是,对于我们来说,我们,我,我会让Temi进入她的组织的愿景,我的意思是,对于我们来说,你知道,显然在专业工作的同时显然会在一个非营利组织上始终是一个挑战。然后,你知道,平民个人的目标也要求我们在我们做的一切中敏捷,对吗?所以有那种情况。But, you know, I think when we look at how we’re trying to execute based on COVID, we were just going on some of the stories that we’ll share later about some of our user profiles of people who they’re not like us and they’re not coming from a professional class where they have access to high end, super nice private schools. So they are taking the traditional routes and are usually in unorthodox industries. But because of what’s happening, there is a need for them to upscale and join the digital economy. And then COVID happened. And it basically said, at least for me, from work, whereas some of my clients were… If you didn’t have an end-to-end digital operating infrastructure, you were in serious trouble because, you know, it’s like billions of dollars going down to zero if you don’t have that right. So COVID sort of helped us in terms of we had sort of it was this very underrepresented target market that needs to upscale just to join the marketplace and then COVID said, “here is a professional class of people who with their industries have been decimated. So they’re going to need to upscale different from this other target class because they have skills that they just need to retool to create their next position.”

Temi Odunlami:[00:16:08]确切地。这真的是我们的用户案例的位置。而且我真的关心最近的高中毕业生,这是准备进入大学的秋季。And, you know, the moment that their Prom was taken away due to the quarantine, I knew that, you know, this is definitely not what they had planned when they first entered high school and now they’re ending it and the world is just completely different. And how is it going to be when fall starts and school’s in session and they don’t even go to class and everything is online? This is the same generation of students that, you know, we’re worried because of the rise of social media. They’re losing their attention span. And now we’re expecting them to learn virtually with really nobody, you know, in the room that’s going to hold them accountable, perhaps if their parents are home, but, you know, it’s a different experience than being in class with your classmates and your teacher there, as opposed to just learning at home on a computer. So I was… I’m really concerned about how they would be able to cope with that. And so that was something that’s on my mind as we’re creating a user case and realizing that, you know, their journey is going to be very different and very delicate. There are some things they may have learned in school and the career path they’ve chosen. They may now see that it’s going to be obsolete because, you know, with the quarantine in session or a shutdown, you can’t really do that with social distancing. So they either have to think of a new career path or try and maneuver it. And with everything going virtually, if they have to start learning some more computer-related skills and more digital skills, that’s where we can be a benefit for them. Students who are trying to really understand what’s going on now with the world, with these movements and justice and, you know, racism. The students that don’t know what has happened in the past and they want to learn the history. That’s where they can come to us to learn these social skills, where they can learn how to express themselves online, but also how to interact with people without being offensive – business skills. A lot of people who were thinking they were going to open a shop in the near future are now going to have to think about how they can open media, Shopify or an Amazon Web, you know, Web page, because things are changing so rapidly. So by intertwining these three skills and these three pillars and assessing people and seeing, you know, where are the gaps that need to be filled. That’s really what we want to do. You’ve learned some things in school and now we’re going to show the gaps and pad you up so you’re prepared for this new digital world.

Katie Trauth Taylor:(00:18:36)我喜欢你建立组织和战略的方式是你在播客前的电话中与我分享的,你创造了用户故事来了解你所影响的不同类型的人:十亿人,如果你愿意的话。你能和那些将指导和合作的人。你能跟我们分享一下这些故事吗?听说这是你战略建设的重要部分,我真的很兴奋。

Busayo Odunlami:[00:19:07]确定。我可以举一个很复杂的例子。所以,你知道,在国际发展中工作并且特别喜欢解决问题。我加入了一个叫做世界银行集团,国际货币基金组织,非洲青年协会的组织,我们在阿比让召开了一次会议。我们的想法是,就像我提到的,把这一百个人聚集在一起。我现在在科特迪瓦。你知道,我是尼日利亚裔美国人。我应该试着弄些艺术品带回家。所以我去了科科迪的市场。当我在科科迪的时候,我遇到了安娜阿姨,她是我们的用户简介之一安娜阿姨,她制作这些高端的项链,手镯和串珠首饰。 And, you know, I notice that, you know, many of the shoppers like myself, you know, we’re getting these pieces at less than half of the market value if she was selling on Etsy or Shopify, for example, and, you know, she’s been doing this for 15 years now, some of her products, you know, they’ve definitely sold at significant premiums from the original price. But the challenge is that even when you’re selling those products at the actual real value, there are no residuals going back to her, right?

Katie Trauth Taylor:[00:20:33]确切地。

Busayo Odunlami:[00:20:34]所以现在你有,你知道,你知道的,她知道,她是三十九,主要的养家糊口,单身,很明显,她每天都与人合作。她知道,在新兴市场经济中,哈吉ling是一种生活方式。你知道,这就是你购买的东西。如果你不是粗糙,你就没有买任何东西。所以,你知道,她可以在网上销售她的产品,并守护自己的工作。现在对我们来说,我们看看一个完美的世界,阿姨经历了十亿三加X框架。在她的情况下,重点是在数字和商业技能上,因为每天她都有社交技能,他们可以在轻微的刷新方面对一些竞争力进行轻微的刷子来说,这是一个相对容易的乐观,只需将那些相同的离线面对面复制,您知道,在线复制这些技能。现在是阿姨。我们只是想要一个在我们框架结束时的情况,Auntie将有一个Instagram,etsy和购物的商店。 And because she’d be taking, you know, the business skills component, which part of that is, you know, marketing and business fundamentals, she would be able to actually use the web to source out the materials, and make sure that the price she’s paying for the materials for products in Ivory Coast. You know, it’s actually the best price, you know. And in this way, she actually has some sort of economic empowerment.

Temi Odunlami:(00:22:07)还有她可以学到的社交技能,尽管她的社交技能,你知道,她在市场上工作。她有家庭。你可以学到的一件事是,你知道,知道有些人不会购买动物产品。所以如果她用动物骨头或蛋壳做珠子,那就卖不好。但如果她改头换面,开始出售由回收塑料和玻璃制成的珠子,将会有一个巨大的市场,人们会认为这是环保的。她会赢得那些,你知道,支持动物的人的青睐,这可以帮助她迅速增加市场份额,而不需要付出太多努力。但这些都是她在日常生活中可能不知道的事情。这样的小事情真的能帮助人们提高自己,从别人那里脱颖而出。

Busayo Odunlami:[00:22:55]我想添加的一件事,事实上,在一天结束的时候,我们的使命是自我经济权力的人,就像安娜阿姨,和一些我们正在使用的用户配置文件,我肯定兴奋在接下来的例子中,这是一个COVID示例中,但对他们来说,能够获得所有这些材料和框架,帮助他们利用他们的技能,并建立更多的技能,以真正进入全球市场。正确的。当然还有其他的挑战,你知道,我们提到过在交付和最后一英里数字接入方面,希望通过我们与政府和发展实体的管道合作,我们可以填补这一缺口。但最后,更多的是关于阿姨的故事她是唯一养家糊口的人。现在,因为从某种程度上看这个框架能帮助她成为一名企业家,她可以为她的产品获得真正的市场价值。所以她不仅仅是一个贫困的人,而是一个可以利用她的技能建立一个她可以建立的人际关系的人。因为,你知道,她只是我接触过的四五个已经拥有这些商业技能的供应商中的一个,并且已经存在于市场中,他们每天都在用数字描述他们在做什么。他们肯定会进入亚马逊前25名。

Katie Trauth Taylor:(00:24:30)确切地。关于使用故事,用户故事,尤其是一个关于阿姨的东西,特别是令人难以清楚的是,有能力授权并将某人命名为创新者并给予那些技能并让他们与这些技能一起举办。所以,你知道,这种指导和这种方法不一定。它真的是一种基于教育的方法。真漂亮。它有很多意义。你也能告诉我们Covid用户故事吗?

Temi Odunlami:[00:25:05]肯定。这一点触动了我的心,因为有很多人有工作,但他们现在被认为是不必要的。我觉得这太侮辱人了。比如,你怎么能称某人为非重要人物呢?所以,你知道,这实际上是关于COVID的受害者,我们如何扭转他们的职业生涯,在有缺口的地方填补他们。我们有一个在米其林餐厅工作的纽约创意人员的用户案例。她是一名厨师,但她也兼职做数字艺术。你知道,她在大学里学的是美术。所以她很擅长用笔,纸和绘画。任何你需要为你的公司做广告和创建一个标志的东西。 She works in the restaurant just to pay some bills. So now the restaurant’s shut down, but she can still work online and can she can still produce her art. So she comes to us and she takes her assessment. We realize that she would need a little bit more of the business skills, and that’s where we’ll help her out as far as showing her how to promote, how to market, how to network and how to get her art out there, picking exactly which type of industry she would like to do digital advertising for. And just getting those connections set up so that really would be one of the user cases there. Just helping people who have some of the skills already and just brushing them up and propelling them to continue working digitally.

Busayo Odunlami:[00:26:30]是的,我的意思是,所以还有另一件事,我可以加入那个令人敬畏的例子是,你知道,它。Again, I’m a native New Yorker, so I can understand, and I have friends who are like this, it’s like, you know, you’re working at these super nice restaurants and it really allows you to live through your art, but also pay your bills and have the flexibility and having that go, just like some of my clients at work, to zero means that it’s a drastic shift. So, you know, I need to upscale quickly so that I can leverage these digital art skills for whoever is willing to pay me. And in a situation like that user profile, when you go through the framework, during the business skills component, there’s that market research and really, you know, knowing your customer and knowing that and then in going through that, you know, upscale, the perfect world. Right. We would want them to see that, hey, there are emerging markets, startups that haven’t been hit as bad with COVID like we have here in the States, that’ll pay me for my work. It’s digital. You know, I just need to establish some sort of a home [unclear wording] to engage with them. There are a hundred thousand million, exaggerating here, tools that can enable, you know, that communication. But that’s sort of where we’re trying to get to, at least with this user profile. And, you know, from speaking with some of my colleagues, there are other use cases that are coming into it, and that’s in the creative industry. Right. So you think about hairstylists. I’m working at the salon and my salon might not be open, so I need to maybe start doing some home appointments. How do I let my customers know that I’m safe and I’m getting tested weekly or cetera? Right. So there’s a huge shift that has to happen in the interim. Right. Because we look at sort of the safety net, at least here at our society in the States, a lot of those are ending. So people have to start thinking about how am I going to get supplemental income?

Katie Trauth Taylor:(00:28:32)是的,绝对。这就是为什么我认为你的三叉方法非常感觉。您不仅考虑数字,您知道,教育和舒适和信心,具有某些数字工具。You’re talking about business skills as well as social skills and helping each user kind of come in and determine which areas will most help me transform my skills, my talents, my interests, my experiences into a new thing or the next step for me.


Temi Odunlami:(00:29:01)是的。

Busayo Odunlami:[00:29:03]谢谢你。是的。我完全同意。

Katie Trauth Taylor:[00:29:04]当我们第一次连接时。我开始思考多年来一直在努力的不同社区。而且,你知道,我现在做了很多工作,因为无声的是,你知道,创新领导者或临床和技术专家以及那种东西。但是我的背景是基于社区的识字性。而且,我认为,在一些消费者研究中闪耀着我们在解开的一些消费研究和一些定性研究,我们所做的口头历史工作。但我在辛辛那提市辛辛那提市中心和中西部城市的辛辛那提和城市中,我正在考虑我在阿巴拉契亚社区和城市阿巴拉契亚人和Afrolachian社区以及西班牙裔社区的工作。它有趣的是如何文化或社会经济的角度,有社交技能,在某些努力帮助人们在这些社区中茁壮成长的社区中运营。他们本身就是艺术形式。他们,这是一个可能不会在常春藤联盟学院教室教授的东西。正确的。 But in that social environment, in that economic environment, it is a skill and coming in with a deep respect for that and an understanding that someone who can learn that and adapt to different environments will be able to take on all kinds of other skills, because it’s just I think it’s what I’m trying to say is the value and the deeply inherent value in making sure that whenever we’re coming in to provide upscaling, that we’re thinking about the people and we’re never coming at it from a perspective of arrogance, I guess, is my thought. Yeah, and that’s what I respect and love so much about what you’re doing is, you seem to be really deeply mindful of the skills that are already present in the people who will be benefited by Billion Strong. And you’re coming at it from a perspective of elevating those people and and building their confidence rather than saying, you know, or you don’t have.. Coming at it from a point of lack. Does that make sense?

Temi Odunlami:(00:31:27)哦,是的,绝对。同理心是我们的司机之一。我们真的觉得同理心就是高于一切。当你感受到别人在鞋子里有一英里时感觉到别人的感觉时,同理心是一个重要的事情。它有助于品种爱和希望和和平。当每个人都能够坐在桌旁。有公平。有平等。它有助于消除仇恨,偏见,种族主义,现在所面临的所有问题。同理心对我来说,这是解释剂。 And we need to bring that out more. And so we want people as they come through us to leave with that sense of love for others. And as they come through us in the upscale, they’re now equipped with, you know, weapons of love. Weapons to go change the world and to innovate further. So that’s really what we want people to do, come to us, learn these skills, but then take it a step further and change the world, too.

Katie Trauth Taylor:(00:32:28)我非常喜欢这么多。Could you share, as we wrap up, some advice that you’d like to provide to people who are maybe nervous to learn new skills or who are worried about, you know, the ways in which they can be innovative now, especially if their lives have been or their careers have been impacted by the pandemic?

Busayo Odunlami:(00:32:49)好吧,害怕是好的。对?所以我认为这部分是......

Temi Odunlami:[00:32:56]另外,为什么要害怕好?

Busayo Odunlami:[00:32:58]好吧,我想,你知道,害怕是一种,你知道,当你即将挑战自己作为一个人时,你会得到那种感觉。对?所以它是......即使在表演前最有自信的时刻,你仍然会得到那种颤抖。正确的。所以我认为害怕的行为正是我们想要的那种个人,因为在一天结束时,我们正在寻找 - 我们承认我们存在的人类部分。这意味着有些人只是不想做任何事情。要么去,要说,社会。有人会说,我猜是普遍基本收入的地方。但是对于我们的使命,我们正在寻找超额收费的个人,这些是实际上想要和无法访问的个人。So if we can take the billion people who would want to do that, we’re a lot better placed than we are right now, because there are, you know, with my working youth there, I’ve met at least 10 to 20 thousand youth who are exactly in need of these frameworks and these systems that like from all over the world who are really yearning to sort of create their self economic empowerment.

Temi Odunlami:(00:34:20)另外,我想说,你知道,那种感觉……你描述的那种感觉是不舒服的,那是你走出了自己的舒适区。所以我建议人们接受这一点。活到老,学到老。没有年龄太大这回事,因为大脑很强大,这是你的机会。特别是如果你坐在家里,你知道你被隔离了,或者你只是无事可做,如果你花一个星期的时间使用一些在线工具,你可以创造出如此惊人的东西。所以我们希望人们加入我们,加入进来,学习新的东西,改变他们的生活,也改变其他人的生活。恐惧是好的,因为一旦你战胜了恐惧,你就能做任何事。

Busayo Odunlami:[00:34:59]而且,你知道,实际上是Temi,我有一个很棒的例子。

Temi Odunlami:[00:35:03]噢,是吗?

Busayo Odunlami:[00:35:04]一个真正的生活方例。所以我花了一些时间在我父母的演出之间。当我到达那里时,我有一个黑莓[不清楚的措辞],就像超越的超级。而且我是一个微生物学家。我就像,“妈妈,冷静下来,布拉,布拉,等等。”我们让她一件iphone,她的表情符号游戏吗?这是荒谬的。所以,你知道,我认为它真的只是一个舒适程度,并且具有框架,可以与不同的利益相关者群体对齐。正确的。这就是我们如何开始获得更多成年人口。 Especially those who are working in the, sort of, the nursing homes, you know, I’ve got some colleagues who are doing some work [unclear wording] with some products in nursing homes and really getting them also comfortable with technology, because we also have to realize that there is ageism out there and we need to stop with that and make sure we’re also creating products. Right. That’s what we talk about, our frame of reference with self-awareness and empathy. And make sure as we’re creating these products, we’re thinking about the full spectrum of our stakeholders. And we, you know, we’re always looking to definitely get more people involved in building our tech, so… Thank you so much, we really appreciate it.

Temi Odunlami:(00:36:27)感谢您的时间。谢谢你的倾听。

Katie Trauth Taylor:[00:36:30]哦,非常感谢你们所有的倾听和分享您的用户故事的亿强大。我知道我们都受到了激励。在个人层面,也是当然,从商业角度来看,如果人们想要参与并了解更多,他们怎能伸出来?

Temi Odunlami:[00:36:50]是的,请在十亿桶中访问我们。这是十亿强,点M. E.

Katie Trauth Taylor:[00:36:58]完美的。特米和布萨约,非常感谢。这是一次充满活力的谈话。我迫不及待地想了解更多关于我个人如何参与的信息。我真的很高兴听到更多的创新故事出自你的作品。

Busayo Odunlami:[00:37:11]谢谢你。

Temi Odunlami:(00:37:12)非常感谢。这是伟大的。

Katie Trauth Taylor:[00:37:16]感谢您在本周的剧集中听。请务必在社交媒体上关注我们,并将您的声音添加到谈话中。你可以找到我们@untoldContent。









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与Scott Kirsner一起,通过内部故事建立你的品牌




“我可以看到公司需要更好地讲述故事。它不适用于品牌和营销团体。每个人都需要能够讲述一个故事来销售一个想法。“Eric Cohen,首席执行官,企业家,扬声器,屡获殊荣的Inventor的Reebok Pump,Technologist,Mentor,Innovator的屡获殊荣的发明者,CPG和医疗保健

利用Scott Kirsner功能,通过内部故事构建品牌

与Scott Kirsner一起,通过内部故事建立你的品牌



与机器人与merritt moore,芭蕾舞女演员,物理学家和有抱负的宇航员跳舞

“你可以是创意的,你可以成为艺术,你可以想发现,它不是可怕的。你想做什么,就可以做什么。But just trying to… I think by creating it, offering a different image than wanting to be there, it allows people’s imagination to then be like, maybe I can have a robot soccer player or like, you know, if it’s dancing to Bruno Mars, then maybe this robot can do other things.” – Merritt Moore, ballerina, physicist, and aspiring astronaut
