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Covid-19带来数字健康创新与Castlight Health和Lyra Health的Dena Bravata

“讲故事是我们拥有的最强大的工具之一,当然,我作为一个临床医生,作为学术,作为政策制定者和企业家。”-DenaBravata M.D.,M.S.,Lyra Health and Castlight Health的医疗咨询委员会的Lyra Health and Cole的联合创始人


Dena Bravata是联合创始人Lyra Health.和椅子Castlight Health.一家医疗保健咨询委员会。她告诉我们三大电石创新的数字健康反应对Covid-19。其中包括美国冠状病毒检测站点最大的国家登记处,对那些体验症状的自我评估,以及弱势群体和医疗能力的城市特定数据集。一切都在其网站上公开提供。幸运的是,当地公共卫生官员使用这些调查结果可以在邮政编码级别提供县内的能力规划。人们可以依靠这些数字健康解决方案,这可能最终对医疗保健的未来产生持久的影响。

Dena Bravata在照相机微笑

Dena Bravata,M.D.,M.S.是Lyra Health的联合创始人,这是一家提升公司,帮助心理健康担忧的患者以及时和成本效益的方式获得所需的护理。她曾任主要的首席医务人员和Castlight Health(纽约证券交易所)的产品负责人(纽约证券交易所代码:CSLT)。




该集发电支持来自Untold内容和数据+ Science的数据讲故事培训。雷竞技电竞竞猜雷竞技raybet提现通过学习数据可视化和技术讲故事的最佳实践,将数据转换为强大的视觉故事。无论您是PowerBi还是Tableau的人 - 或者只是想更好地传达您的数据 - 这次研讨会将激励您查看数据中的故事。了解更多雷竞技raybet提现Trining/

凯蒂[00:00:04]欢迎来到创新的未解故事,在那里我们扩大了洞察力,影响和创新的解开故事。由未结块内容提供支持。雷竞技电竞竞猜我是你的主人,Katie Trauth Taylor。我们今天的客人是Dena Bravata。她是Lyra Health的联合创始人,这是一家提升公司,帮助心理健康担忧的患者,以及时和经济高效的方式让他们需要的照顾。她还在几个数字健康和健康技术初创公司的董事会上,是Castlight Health的椅子Castlight咨询委员会,这是一个医疗保健导航平台。Dena,非常感谢你今天的播客。





丹娜[00:01:15]关于新的冠状病毒,我的意思是,我的生活和我所知道的每个人的生活和你所知道的,美国,世界,世界,已经改变了。对我作为医生,我目前没有看到患者。我相同的双胞胎妹妹是。我的所有Med School和Residency Friends非常在前线。他们生病了。其中一些人正在预告我们的其他同事。这是一个清醒的时刻。为了我自己的缘故,我在这个响应时间在很大程度上与Castlight团队一起工作。Castlight是一家非常接近和珍贵的公司。在我离开学术后,这是我拥有的第一种创业体验。 And so I’ve been connected to Castlight for 11 years. And I’m so proud, actually, of the work that we’ve been able to do there, not just to serve the needs of users and customers, but we’ve been making data and evidence publicly available and have built some amazing tools that we can talk about today if time permits. And I just—I am so proud of organizations like Castlight—there are many others—that are really like not thinking so much about the bottom line here but are really thinking about how can they bring their data, knowledge, other assets to bear, to serve the community. And so I feel that it’s a privilege, frankly, to be able to use my skills to help in that way.




丹娜[00:04:04]所以我们所做的第一件事和现在是一个月前现在是要问这个问题,这次让人们在这个时候得到了什么?因此,可能会覆盖Covid 19的实际测试,将覆盖。它仍然尚不清楚剩下的剩余医疗保健。和一些雇主,所以对于有商业保险的人,他们的雇主会选择覆盖它。对于那些没有保险的人显然,你知道,谁知道尘埃落定时会发生什么。因此,我们在美国看了一些城市,我们向这个问题提出了这个问题,用鼻拭子测试了多少钱,也许是对具有不同程度严重程度的人员的办公室访问。因此,有些人刚刚在急诊室非常严重和出现的人一直患上了症状。我们展示和公开可用的是一个数据集,显示了人们症状的成本差异程度。所以他们的症状有多严重,他们去照顾。所以,如果他们开始使用远程医疗的访问或医生的预约或转到紧急护理或者e.r.第三,那么即使在特定的城市内,方差程度也是如此。 And so hopefully that report can really help inform people to the extent that they have a choice about where they might go for care, should they have alternatives available to them.




丹娜[00:06:05]你问弱势群体。所以我们所做的是分析。我们从Castlight DataSet中从大约700万人中获取了一份文件。如果他们感染冠状病毒,我们询问那些人之间的人是最大的严重疾病风险吗?因此,这些是增加住院,ICU护理和死亡率的人。它们包括糖尿病,肾病,免疫抑制等的东西。所以我们所做的是我们问这个问题,好吧,这些人住在哪里?并映射了这一点,我们映射到每个区域中的ICU床可用性,以便能够帮助识别,特别是在这个国家的早期,影响全国各地的县和城市。那些最高风险群体在哪里,您有需要的人,ICU床和呼吸机需要相对较少的ICU容量?和分析,有趣的是,我的意思是,我认为,你知道,在早期,我们很快听到了西雅图和纽约,我们再次推广的分析,我们在公开可用的互动地图上举办了雇主 and people and health officials to use really highlighted that cities like Detroit, New Orleans, San Diego, Charlotte, cities that hadn’t sort of been in that first wave that were really publicized were actually very vulnerable on the basis of the population and the ICU capacity to meet their needs.








丹娜[00:10:58]我必须告诉你,凯蒂。正确的。就像以主要用于医疗保健组织或技术公司的人一样,您希望这可能是一个很大程度上的自动化过程。这是一个完全手动的过程。我们已经学会了很多,实际上测试了我们一天工作的网站大约有7%的测试网站,这是一天的测试网站,第二天停止工作。你知道,每个人都在长期工作的目的的网站将自己用完了自己。所以他们必须关闭。因此,这是一个人们需要一群人基本上是手机验证和建立与入境关系的关系。这是如此令人满意的工作。我必须告诉你,因为,除了再次进行公开可用的情况下,我们还给了数据集和测试到健康计划的测试工具。 It’s up on the Anthem home page. We’ve given it provider systems. It’s up on a number of provider systems. DaVita, a large provider of care for very vulnerable people with end stage kidney disease. It’s up on the Department of Health of the state of Michigan so that all Michigan people can use it to find test sites. And it’s powering other search engines as well, including Google’s search for test sites. And so. So the onus is now on us to make sure that we really continue to have the highest quality data. And I think there’s something also important about being stewards of the limited test capacity that we have a country right now and providing people with very clear guidance, not just where to go, but what it is that you need to have done before you show up at the site.



丹娜[00:13:46]这是一个很大的问题。我认为该国家现在正准备提出有关举起一些受庇护法规的问题。我们如何将经济带回行动?我们怎样才能重返工作岗位,尽可能安全地做到这一点?那些是每个人都在内的问题,包括我的问题。我们当然可以做的一件事是成为热监测周围一些国家和地方法规的一部分。那么有人的温度是什么?他们积极有哪些症状,他们有什么曝光?使用Castlight,我们开发了一个自我评估的跟踪器。因此,有人可以解决他们的症状并获得指导,即他们应该在家里寻求护理或留在家或寻求紧急护理,这取决于他们的症状有多严重。 I think tools like that can now be translated into return to work guidance and with the use of either just consumer grade thermometers or much fancier Bluetooth thermometers, for example, those data can inform return to work policies. I think a very interesting set of questions will come up around the extent to which employers do or don’t actually want to know the answers. Right. I think by and large, employers want to be at arm’s length from the actual clinical information about their populations. Right. And maintain that privacy. But it’s very interesting to see the extent to which some employers actually will want to know on an individual, identifiable individual, basis what someone’s temperature and symptoms really are.






丹娜[00:16:00]它是。是的。而且我认为你也进入了一些非常有趣的联系方式,这显然是义务在历史上一直是公共卫生官员的私有官员接触跟踪的职权范围。但鉴于这种大流行的规模,这不是公共卫生官员可以做到和要求的东西 - 我认为企业和个人的创新与合作。看看公司如何回应人们实际讲述真相,它会很有趣。而且有强大的抑制因素。正确的。如果你相信,你知道,如果你不能上班,你无法获得薪水,你的激励说实话或者你知道,在测量温度之前服用泰诺。它可能是非常不同的。


凯蒂[00:16:56]我喜欢这一点,因为在这些方式中,我们生活在这个新世界的创新不仅包括下一个技术或下一个疫苗或 - 它也涉及过程。在人类的人类水平上,我们将如何互相参与?我们甚至如何甚至是思考高五可能缺少至少一个非常长的时间。当然,在更严重的水平,就像你说,雇主如何建立。我喜欢这个想法,让我想起了我们在失败或医学问题上的失败和羞耻的一些谈话。正确的。这些都是羞耻的所有东西,或者对它们附加的感受。

丹娜[00:17:42]是的,绝对。Along those lines, I think, you know, I’ve been hearing people propose some ideas, very well-meaning, where someone might wear a bracelet or might be asked to wear a sticker, for example, that identifies them as either having had the virus and being immune or somebody who, you know, has never had the virus and lacks immunity. And you sort of wonder, is this the new scarlet letter? Right. You know, and what is the stigma associated with any of these kinds of public displays of someone’s personal health information? And surely we can use technology and other policies and processes so that, you know, vulnerable people should be able to stay out of the workplace and not put their colleagues or their children or elderly folks without inducing this kind of like new way in which we might stigmatize members of the population.


丹娜你知道,我认为你和我一起做的工作,研究患有精神疾病的人群,我认为在前冠状病毒的世界里,这当然是一个例子,在那里选定的人群面临着巨大的耻辱。我认为其他的事情对我们来说是很重要的,现在我们仍然在原地避风,鼓励人们不要去看医生,除非他们绝对需要。担心那些有行为健康问题的人可能得不到他们需要的治疗。例如,我们看到,这周早些时候,快捷药方公司发布了一份报告,显示抗抑郁药的处方数量急剧增加。我们还知道,家庭暴力正在上升。关于虐待儿童的证据越来越多。为苦苦挣扎的家庭,为放学回家的父母和孩子,一起生活和工作在狭小的空间。因此,我担心的不仅仅是感染了冠状病毒的人,还有其他人群在这个时候面临风险。我们如何预测这些人口会是什么样的呢?正确的。 So there are many people who have had surgical procedures, you know, of the musculoskeletal nature or of a cardiac nature that have been put on pause. What’s happening to these people now? You know, for some people, hopefully they’ll figure out, well, actually, you know, maybe I didn’t need the procedure after all. We know that sometimes that’s the case. But, you know, now that we’re delaying care, will there be, you know, this enormous need coming up the minute the hospitals begin to open up for these folks who have delayed surgical care, cancer prevention, care. Right. Are we delaying the diagnosis of important conditions or are we doing the treatment of important conditions? And what can we be doing now using telemedicine or other outreach to try to minimize some of that? And how can we be thoughtful about opening up parts of the healthcare system to enable people to get the care that they need, but not to expose them to other patients with rhinovirus, for example?

凯蒂[00:21:47]是的,完全是。我认为数字健康现在突然不仅仅是很好的信息。无论是与Covid是否相关的科夫迪特,能够继续为人们的医疗需求继续为人们的医疗需求而行为绝对是至关重要的。You know, one of the other critical elements besides ensuring that telemedicine is working and it’s working well, both synchronously and asynchronously, you know, having the capacity to meet one-on-one virtually with a provider in a synchronous way is really important for creating adherence and building relationship with that provider and getting a full, more holistic kind of diagnosis and treatment plan. But also asynchronous. So how can we continue to talk with our doctors at heart that we do with one another and sort of leave each other message right. And come back to and we can. So that’s all very critical. And I also think communication and if you are a health services provider at this time, you can’t over communicate. There’s so much information, there’s so much creativity that you need to continue exercising to make sure that you’re reaching the populations in many different creative ways. So. So one quick story I’ll share with you, Dena, because we have connected over the last few weeks as we’ve both been in our own worlds. We’ve been working with the Action Learning Network, which is a global network focused on helping parents and families of children with heart failure. And there aren’t that many cases of pediatric heart failure. The world, luckily. But because there’s so few cases they needed to form a collaborative across different children’s hospitals to work together, to come up with the best practices. What’s the state of the art? So as you can imagine, the families of children with heart failure right now and organ transplants right now are definitely concerned, even though some of the statistics and the data around children with covid 19 seem optimistic because children don’t tend to get sick as frequently. But there’s also that question of what about children with preexisting conditions like heart failure or kidney transplants and other kinds of heart transplants. And so I’m so proud of the work that—that’s what we’ve been focusing on at Untold over the last few weeks, is working with the Action Learning Network to create content for families and children to help them get their questions answered and help make all of this make sense to children as best we can to say this is what six-feet feels like. It feels like a professional basketball player. That’s how much space you need. And here’s how to take care of your mental health right now. And here’s how to have a telemedicine visit and why it’s going to be really fun and also how to deal with those more pressing concerns like how ah, how is lab work going to happen now for those children and what is critical care or not? And if you do need to be in the hospital, what’s going to be different. What should you expect? So there’s—我只是认为这一刻就是可能达到沟通或有扼杀的创造力。我认为现在是倾向于所有这些的时候,这就是为什么我令人难以置信的灵感来自您在Castlight Health的团队中所发生的基于证据和数据驱动的工作。这太不可思议了。

丹娜[00:24:58]谢谢。你知道,我很高兴听到你们所做的工作。而且我认为,你知道,那些小伙子,你如何评价他们代表,你知道,这是一系列脆弱的人口。而且,坦率地说,我认为我们只是有这么多学习。关于这种传染病或其他条件如何影响不同种类的弱势群体。你的一个评论让我想到了一些问题,这是我们对我们交谈的乐趣,这就是人们一直在制作的变化。正如你所说,创造性地适应这个新世界,我们相信将以非常积极的方式坚持哪些变化?我认为你和我一起做了很多与提供商系统一起工作。因此,我们在提供者系统中看到,最近来自斯坦福的统计数据是去年他们的虚拟访问量不到10%。截至3月,他们看到初级保健或虚拟访问中的近70%。 I just think that the role of telemedicine now that people are seeing not just a telemedicine provider who is disconnected from the rest of their care, but their actual doctor who is part of their hospital system and where they get their labs done now that they’re able to see them and engage with them virtually. Why would you ever go back? Right. And, you know, Medicare changes in regulations that have happened in a temporary way around, you know, as part of the coronavirus response. It’ll be interesting to see whether they get reversed or implemented permanently now. But I have to believe that telemedicine will never go back right, like, that fundamental changes will be happening there.

凯蒂[00:26:59]我绝对同意。因此,方便,它提供了与提供商更频繁地联系的机会,在提供者和患者中再次建立更多信任。我认为这是如此可能成为前进的。您提到使用蓝牙技术。而且,您知道,我们显然看到围绕可穿戴物品和测量设备的健康技术增加,这些设备可以使患者对提供商的洞察力的一种无缝通信。And that can then allow for alarms to trigger check-ins in a way that, you know, would sort of depend on patients’ transparency and comfort communicating, sometimes, that type of information to providers and whether that’s because of shame or fear or just, you know, having a lot going on in their lives. So I think there’s a lot of opportunity and similar to what we see right now in education and in the business world. I’m not sure we’re going to go back to massive conferences the way that we have in the past. I’m not sure—I believe we’ll go back to the classroom in education, but I think that being forced to think about hybrid models of teaching and learning and being forced to move their classes online will hopefully increase comfort with those methods of learning as well.

丹娜[00:28:20]是的,我同意。而且我想,你知道,我一直在花时间与大型自我保险雇主的好处领导者,因为他们认为他们中的一些人回归它。在加利福尼亚州的某些地方,至少是现在,业务 - 甚至以我们曾经做的方式思考业务旅行。所以,你知道,实际上,人们似乎很好地做得很好,如你和我今天在你和我一起去的地方一样。正确的。所以我认为,我们的生活将改变的许多方式。而且,坦率地说,你知道,就像我们谈论的那些事情现在似乎坦率地坦率地说。



丹娜00:29:51绝对。嗯,我认为故事是首先的,你知道,它是人类沟通的必要条件。正确的。所以我的经验告诉我,讲故事是我们拥有的最有力的工具之一,当然,作为临床医生,学者,决策者和企业家,我都有。我认为临床医生接受的是一种非常特殊的讲故事的训练。所以我们,医学院的早期训练问病人的问题并将这些转化为一个故事告诉非常结构化的方法,然后让我们的同事了解我们的思想是关于病人的过去历史的状态与我们今天和我们相信的是他们和我们的计划的地方。所以我认为,对我来说,讲故事是我职业生涯的一部分,就像你知道的那样,从一开始就是这样。[63.3]你问到数据和故事叙述的交集。 And I think, you know, so I was an academic for many years. And even in an academic article, there’s a structure to that. And there’s an elegance. And it really is storytelling. And I think that if you read some of my colleagues are frankly like beautiful storytellers and they do it in that more structured way, which is what is the problem that they’re trying to solve and why is it important? And what did they do and what did they find? And how should the world interpret that finding? That’s the storytelling of kind of academic peer reviewed publications. And I would say that in the sort of the business world as an entrepreneur, I began almost every meeting with some new people. potential new clients or new investors, often with my story of why did I found Lyra, right? What was the story? Not just like what is the problem around you. know, the gravity of mental illness in the United States and who it’s affecting and What are the costs. But why am I interested in that? And how did my interest in that shape my particular perspective about the solution that I was interested in helping to craft?



丹娜[00:32:41]哦,是的,绝对。所以Lyra是一种心理健康,正如你所说,技术和服务公司。RAYBET雷官网而且我认为人们认为精神疾病不是一种可治疗的东西,但这是相反的。男性Med药品和非制药,心理治疗性干预措施非常有效,对人们有所帮助。我有兴趣让更多人进入那些疗法。我对此感兴趣的原因是,我个人真的很幸运,具有大量的恢复力和强大的心理健康。但在我的家庭中,有一些我的家庭成员之间存在明显的遗传区别,他们有同样的化妆品。但是我的爸爸,我的继父,我的三个兄弟姐妹和侄女和侄子都死了。因此,在我知道的家里有这种非常强烈的精神疾病史,有明显的遗传。在我的一些年轻的侄女和侄子中,有些人真的受益于当我是初级保健医生时的疗法中。 As I think most primary care doctors in the United States, I took care of people with their depression and hypertension and diabetes and mental illness was very, very prevalent in the populations that I cared for. And I think that because I was taking care of people, their depression or anxiety, plus their blood pressure and their cholesterol, it was a lot less stigmatizing for me to be the one to help prescribe medications for them or refer them for psychotherapy than if they went to see a mental health professional. That somehow meant that they were really sick or crazy. And then when I was at Castlight, I saw in the claims and in the analyses of the companies—for the companies that I was doing around what was driving their unnecessary medical spending. Frankly, it was untreated mental illness, often comorbid with common medical conditions. That then was the sort of main motivator for me wanting to be a co-founder of Lyra to really provide early access expert care to people in need.

凯蒂[00:35:17]这是令人难以置信的。哇。感谢您的分享。而且我知道我削减了你。您即将讨论数据和故事以及如何解释数据。但在Lyra的描述之前。但我真的很感激听到更大的原因。只是为了暂停一个秒,我想当我们做出不同初创企业的内容分析以及他们的成功,当然,必须有 - 它必须工作。必须有证据表明它有效。但也有更大的为什么几乎总是成为创始人的故事和领导层的一部分。 And I think in order to pull the best talent into your startup and grow it, that needs to be true for each person you bring on, for them to understand their big why, why it matters to them to be doing this work and bring that passion with them. So thank you for sharing that. I think it’s a really critical part of innovation storytelling. But you were about to say something else about data.

丹娜[00:36:17]是的,我认为我要说关于数据的另一件事是对数据的解释。所以,周到的数据集合。那么我们要衡量的是什么?不应该被驱逐出我们想要讲述的故事。正确的。因为我认为那些有一段人在做这件事的人中有一段时间。正确的。就像最终最终的那样。正确的。当我们试图回答问题时,我们收集数据以试图回答这一点。 Now we do the analysis, OK, and now we’re going to package this up in whatever format, be it some academic journal or marketing materials or just an analysis that we’re gonna use to change our own business practices or improve our products. Right. We have to ultimately be able to tell a story about what our recommendation is and why. And I think that that, you know, being able to think ahead to that story informs how you design the data collection process, who you’re going to involve, and all of that. And I think that if you don’t take the moment to think about the story that you want to tell at the end, you will with certainty not— you’ll collect too much or the wrong thing or, oh—

凯蒂[00:37:34]是的。哦,我的天啊。So, I’m thinking of a million stories that you and I have engaged in—to get a million, I should say, maybe not a million, but at least several dozen research projects that we’ve collaborated on for health tech companies in Silicon Valley.

凯蒂[00:37:48]和一个想到的是,我认为我认为这真的很好 - 你刚才所说的是 - 我们被要求衡量在健康技术公司的提供商满意度。而不是只是,你知道,找出一些典型的方式 - 我们所做的,我们研究了典型的衡量工作满意度的方式。但是,我们深入地挖掘了提供者满意度,然后找到了研究,以显示提供商倦怠是导航的艰难挑战,并且医生在基于社区的护理中真正快速燃尽。我们怀疑,我们的假设是,在这些数字卫生公司中,提供商几轮越来越少。因此,我们不仅仅衡量典型方式的满足。我们还将验证措施纳入同一调查。所以在它结束时,我们能够看到,是的,这是真的,我们的假设被证明。这是我们在开始时寻找的故事。但如果我们没有与意图衡量它的意图,我们就不会有这个故事。



丹娜[00:39:12]我厌恶提供建议。我不觉得自己是如此专家。我认为我会对自己的特定学科和讲故事说的一件事是,通常可以以非常简单的方式讲述最伟大的创新。而且我认为我会给人的建议,所以我经常听到年轻的创新者,这非常复杂的序言。在那里,他们将要做的就是会影响这一点的一些复杂系统的细微差别或复杂的那种。And I think that when I ask them questions about various parts of that story that they’re explaining to me, that a much simpler narrative comes out of that and that that narratives can be much more of a guiding principle around not just their future product direction, but a little bit around the motivation for why they’re doing what they’re doing. And so I think maybe I would say I’m thinking ahead to the story that they want to tell about their company, their innovation, whatever it is, might be useful. I think it certainly is useful from the very earliest days and throughout the press.





凯蒂[00:41:14] Dena,人们可以在社交媒体上找到你吗?




凯蒂[00:41:20]好的,很棒。一定要遵循Dena Bravata。所有令人难以置信的工作发生在Castlight Health,Lyra Health。丹娜非常感谢你在播客上。







