“多样性具有力量和力量。种族、背景、年龄、性别的多样性,以及所有这些人们以自己的身份来到谈判桌前的东西。他们会把自己全部带到谈判桌上。这不仅仅是他们的一个方面。我们需要弄清楚,作为一个城市,作为一个社会,作为一个国家:我们如何庆祝人们带来的所有东西,并倾听每个人的生活经历?因为这是我们创造更好解决方案的方式。——切尔西·沃尔特,Women of Cincy的执行董事和联合创始人
我们与Chelsie Walter说话,他们对讲故事的热情导致她共同发现的女性Cincy,一个非营利性寻求放大辛辛那提社区的声音来制定积极变革。当通过故事讲述时,住房不安全以及企业家精神,可以揭示一个地区的身份的问题,或者只是一个无法识别的部分。在我们的谈话中,我们讨论Cincy女性如何通过专注于他们自己的社区为他们的故事,声音及其外展提名的变革制定者来努力工作。如果你知道一个你认为是一个变革制造者的人,请提名他们womenofcincy.org/nominate.
本集由Untold Content 's赞助播出雷竞技电竞竞猜创新故事雷竞技raybet提现.在这种沉浸式和互动的故事驱动的经验中增加购买。您的团队在哪个讲故事技术的最新项目,原型和投票 - 并通过25个史诗般的创新故事的史诗例子来启发。
凯蒂:(00:00:04)欢迎来到创新的不陈述故事,在那里我们扩大了洞察力,影响和创新的解开故事。由未结块内容提供支持。雷竞技电竞竞猜我是你的主人,Katie Trauth Taylor。
凯蒂:[00:00:20]我们今天的嘉宾是切尔西·沃尔特。她是Women of Cincy的执行董事和创始人。切尔西,非常感谢你上播客。
凯蒂:(00:02:43)我已经了解了令人难以置信的妇女或女性 - 识别辛辛那提地区的人民,通过你的所有组织的努力。我认为我们很多人都可以说我们已经通过看到和体验了您网站上的其他女性的生命来改变。告诉我们你的一些。我知道这就像采摘最喜欢的孩子。所以我不是故意要求你选择一个最喜欢的故事,但告诉我们一些真正触动你的故事,这一切都是令人难忘的或者你在社区中听到了很多反馈。
切尔西:(00:03:20)我会忘记我的头顶,一对夫妇来思考。Monique Gilliams故事很棒。她经历了各种各样的东西。那个女人只是思想吹的奴役的数量。所以我绝对推荐莫妮克的故事。
切尔西:(00:03:36)是的。所以Monique Gilliams,她和家人一起工作 - 我认为这是家族独立倡议。
切尔西:[00:04:03]她从另一头出来,脸上总是挂着美妙的笑容。送给我这辈子见过的最鼓舞人心的人,所以莫尼克真的很棒。劳伦·伊莉斯也是个词曲作家。她总是不停地去找别人。她在生活中经历了很多起起伏伏,她总是能挺过来。我们的《住房不安全》系列完全改变了我,从根本上改变了我这个人。我没有意识到我们社区里的一些人正在经历的事情,那是令人震惊的,在那个系列中所有人的力量向我展示了我们的主题创业系列。另一种是看到人们经历了那么多,然后从另一端出来。这真的很鼓舞人心,帮助你找到你自己的路线图,你想从生活中得到什么。先看看人们是怎么做的。 I could talk all day.
切尔西:[00:05:42]所以很多问题都是缺乏经济适用房。辛辛那提,根据我所做的列表研究,是四万,缺乏经济适用房。我自己就有过这样的经历,遇到过这样的问题,我要找一个既能付得起房租又安全、维护良好的地方,我不知道,一个你可以在里面盖房子的地方,因为庇护所不是家。这是另一件我认为很重要的事。仅仅因为你有一个屋顶,并不意味着你一定有一个家,你可以回家,回家,放下你的戒心,只是感到安全。这是一个大问题。工资,大多数的人,我们跟谁正在经历住房保障工作,他们每周工作40个小时或几乎每周工作40小时,但不是因为他们的雇主,你知道好处有全职工作,所以他们被限制在一定数量的小时。所以很多人都有多重工作。对一些人和很多人来说,儿童看护的成本太高了。所以我们说,这是一个永恒的循环。 So, you know, their parents have gone through similar things and their aunts and uncles. And it’s just it’s really hard to break. I don’t think that … The idea of the American dream is really nice, but I don’t necessarily think that a system that we have set up allows everybody equal access to that.
凯蒂:(00:10:00)绝对地。我认为这是真的。我再次爱的是什么。对我来说,Cincy女性对辛辛那提的创新生态系统至关重要。而且我不仅意味着在很多成功方面,我们的地区在科技初创公司中看到并能够使企业家精神成为一个日常人感到赋予尝试的东西,我认为Cincy女性的影响是拥有的。这不仅仅是创建对话并帮助我们彼此了解。就像你提到的那样,它也是为了赋予他人的权力。哦,这个特定的人试过这个大想法并工作。或者这个人被某一群人跑了他们的想法,发现社区,并激发了新的东西,这是一个新的解决社会问题的解决方案,还是这是一个商业想法。所以我只看到你在柑橘女性那里做的工作对我们的社区和经济发展的一切都是至关重要的,而且尤其是我们地区的创新生态系统。 And that you’ve been able to elevate the stories of entrepreneurs and small business owners and tech startup builders as well, in a way that really helps us understand who each other are.
切尔西:(00:11:25)而且我真的相信,就像整个整体一样,整个“看到它是它”的心态。有时,如果你没有看到那里的其他人,那么在那里和成功看起来像你的情况下,那么你可以与之相关的人,有时候会在某个位置或某些职业中努力所以只有大量的力量,只是看到它发生了。然后你就像,也许我也可以做到这一点。And from a personal standpoint, if Women of Cincy didn’t have all of these like powerful, inspirational stories like coming in that I’m just like living in every day, there’s no way in hell I could keep up with all of this or have the energy to do it or go through all the things it takes to run something like this, because it is really hard. But everyday I’m surrounded by people who are just out there doing it. So it’s like, why? Why can’t I do it too?
切尔西:(00:14:34)是的。And that’s the kind of stuff that I think is necessary, because if we keep not talking about all the aspects of our journey, we’re not we’re not going to convince anybody that like it’s possible because I think that people can smell bullshit a mile away. You know, I mean, they know if you talk about this like.
凯蒂:(00:15:04)是的,这肯定不是创业往往是什么样的。你知道,我们的大多数朋友都在启动空间,对吧,我们谈论它是如何成为情感过山车的事情。这很有趣。这是一个并置。People talk a lot about the freedom that comes with entrepreneurship, and we’re both we’re on video chat right now, so you can’t you can’t see that we’re smiling and sort of laughing at that because with great freedom comes great responsibility. And anyone listening who has been a startup founder understands that on a deep level, I think.
切尔西:(00:15:47)是的。但是同样的,你知道,在晚上12点的时候,当故事出了问题,谁在电话上。正确的。好像我是最后一道防线。所以我是那个需要从床上爬起来,去弄清楚发生了什么或者去回复邮件的人,因为这种情况不是经常发生的,但是有时候,当面试者看到自己的故事被写下来的时候,他们会非常紧张。所以,比如,去劝劝某人放下架子,让他们相信这听起来不错。不管是什么,分享X Y z是可以的。是的,有很多有很多。
切尔西:(00:17:06)是的,我刚满二十四岁,我不知道我们在做什么,不知道这一切是什么样子。我不知道这个城市是怎么运作的。我总是对讲故事感兴趣,理解和倾听我所投资的人。我不知道,就像人们的生活方式,他们的激情所在。但我的背景是印刷布局,然后突然间我就想,成为一个好的故事讲述者意味着什么,是什么构成了一个伟大的故事,它背后的伦理是什么?你知道,很明显,我并不是一个人在做这件事,但是,是的,我当时对我要做的事情没有概念,这很好,因为我认为这导致了很多早期的成功,因为我们太天真了。我们没有拒绝。我们只是想,为什么不呢?我们试试吧。比如,为什么我们不试试X Y和Z呢? And we were just throwing, you know, whatever we could at the wall to see what would stick and, like, running processes. Like I’d never even… I’d been an intern. I’d never had like PTO or anything. Like we always joke we were building the plane on the way down. Now I think that we’re like, you know, flying pretty steady. But the early days, we were just like, sure, well, we’ll try it.
凯蒂:(00:18:15)但是,我喜欢那课,稍微走出一点点,这就是为什么孩子们在比赛中如此善良,他们很擅长好奇。是的。并采取创造性的风险。我们笑了。我的丈夫和我嘲笑我们的孩子们甚至不能走一条直线。就像他们从一个点到点开始,他们会这样做。而最柔软的围绕着身体。但是有些东西可以说。You know, they’re just they’re so kind of unaware of that voice in their head telling them to say no and I think there’s something beautiful about what’s possible when we try to cultivate some of those behaviors inside of the innovation space, especially when we’re trying to form something disruptive that’s a startup or that’s a lifestyle business, or that’s going to create community change.
切尔西:[00:20:54]所以我会说,首先,我认为,对于一个功能强大的东西,它需要以故事的形式是一个故事的形式,因为我的意思是,如果你想到讲故事,它只是超越时间和文化和种族和政治背景和所有的我们带我们带到桌子的东西,就像讲故事只是超越了所有的东西。就像,我不认为人们可以说,就像哦,这一个文化对他们的讲故事不知道。正确的。这就是你所做的。这就是你的方式,就像,通过你是谁以及你学到的所有生活的教训。这就是你如何改变人们认为他们通过他们首先经历它的方式或经历二手故事并理解真正的同情和感受真正的同情。这就是你改变人们的心态的方式。所以我认为这就是为什么我们,讲故事是答案。它是什么样子的? We’ve just tried to be just very like “say it how it is” kind of like mentality, like even our brand language. The way that we talk is the way that we talk in a conversation because we are human-centered. So we don’t add a lot of fluff. I don’t throw in really any like huge long words I wouldn’t use if I’m not in a conversation. How we speak is how our brand operates. Same thing with, like even our intros to our stories. You know, we try not to get too flowery and like all over the place, you just try to say, like, we met with so-and-so at this coffee shop. Here’s a little bit of, like, place setting. And then we just dove into the story and all of our stories. An important thing to note is that they’re all Q&A. You know, I ask you a question. I write down your answer because for us and it’s been important from the very beginning, Women of Cincy started out of this idea that for us to be a stronger, better city, we need to see each other as people. It happened in 2017. So life is a little crazy and there is a lot of divisiveness at the moment. And we were like, well, we don’t need to add our own bias onto these stories, our own opinion on these stories, or dissect people’s words and rearrange them so that it fits this mold or this word count. We’re just going to have a conversation and directly record it. So it’s their words, not ours. Our interviewee, it is their story. And we shifted power, I guess, to the person. We’re not the ones in power. We don’t even pick the stories the community does. So it’s like, how can we just keep shifting that power back to our people? Because that’s who we are. That’s who we are. That’s why we exist, is to celebrate people and to create that empathy. That’s been another big component of our storytelling strategy, is to just tell it like it is. Switch who’s in control and just try not to cut out the things that make life life, but also do it in a way we’re celebrating people. One other thing that I always say, and this is just because I don’t have a better term for it. Women of Cincy never and will never be poverty porn. We are never out to just tell a story from the angle of, oh, this bad thing happened to you. There’s bad things happening in our society. And then we end it like it’s always from a point of. Yes. This happened and it sucked. But also look how much strength he showed and look what happened here. And this is how we can solve it, or these are resources that are out there. So there’s always that like push and pull … I guess with power and just tapping into humanity.
凯蒂:[00:24:23]您知道,可以在您自己的生活经历中脱离自己的意识形态和您自己的意见和政治和政治和观点。能够在他们身上转动音量,我不知道我们可以完全完全切换它们。但是,向下转动音量,真正听取某人的故事,只是为了他们是谁。并点头,倾听并将其写下来。我认为这是一个非常强大的同理心练习。There’s something else that’s super powerful, too, because we talk about empathy a lot when it comes to innovation-storytelling, and how if your innovation story isn’t connecting with someone on a personal level, if it – if you’re not empathizing with the users who are going to be the ones who are hopefully benefited by this big idea, then you’re missing – you’re missing out so much. And so a lot of the strategies for doing that. I love what you’re. Everything you just said, those are great strategies for making sure that your stories keep empathy in mind and you’re turning down the volume on your own, your own voice, and you’re listening to the voices of others. And then in a lot of ways learning how people talk. What they care about and continuing to ask them questions, deeper and deeper questions, so that when you go to present the innovation itself, maybe to internal leadership or to funders or potential investors, you’re carrying those voices with you. And you’re not only saying I think this works for these reasons, even investors, too. There’s a lot of conversation around what entrepreneurs need to make sure that their pitches connect on a relatable level to their investors. And I think that’s important. At the same time, it’s important for investors to think from an empathetic point of view, there’s a reason why we have a massive problem with the types of people who get venture capital and that being very limited to white men. And one of the reasons is because if investors are only thinking about what connects to them personally and most investors are white men, they will choose products and solutions that serve white men as well. And so really thinking about the power that empathy can play and story sharing and storytelling can play. As we look to not lose out on market opportunities that are meant for people who don’t look like that traditional venture capital identity or the traditional startup founder identity as well.
切尔西:[00:26:51]是的,我完全同意。有太大的力量和学习,生活看起来与别人不同的生活。所以,就像你知道,就像显然我们一遍又一遍地听到它,但这是真的。就像有多样性的力量和力量一样。你知道,种族和背景和年龄和性别的多样性以及人们自己来到桌子上的所有这些事情。他们会把自己全部带到谈判桌上。这不仅仅是他们的一个方面。And we need to figure out, I think as a city, as a society, as a country, you know, whatever you want to say, how do we celebrate all the things people are bringing to the table and listen to everybody’s lived experiences because that’s how we create better solutions. And that’s a whole other tangent on itself about the way that we innovate. But I think that, you know, from us, what we’ve seen is the innovative people are the people who are living it. It’s not the people who are in charge and people who are controlling the purse strings. We want to figure out how to solve a problem. Go talk to somebody who lives with that problem every single day. They’re the ones who have the answers. And we see that in our storytelling constantly. You’ve got insights that people just don’t even stop and think about it. It’s super powerful.
凯蒂:(00:28:05)本期播客的另一位嘉宾是Include Health的创始人,实际上,他在大学时就开始了他的整个组织。是在健身房锻炼时,他看到有人坐在轮椅上尝试使用举重设备和斗争他们不得不从轮椅到设备和获取处理,他们被抓住的重量…小钥匙。你知道我在说什么吗?完全改变了一切,他曾经看到健身房和人们如何使用健身房,他创建了一个创业公司从它和真正的共情水平,这一水平的观察和愿意把别人故事旁边或在自己的面前,有时我觉得它会带我们真的,真的。你在辛辛那提妇女学院所做的事情还有一些非常强大的东西,我认为这与创新社区有关,那就是反思的力量。现在有很多关于创新的讨论都是关于如何坦然面对失败谈论更多的失败对成功保持透明,什么可行,什么不可行。我认为这种反思是一种非常有力的方式来改变这种文化。即使它开始的坐下来,让你的团队成员互相采访关于项目和做播客风格或做在一篇博客文章风格,女性的Cincy的方式,你知道,我们的播客,我们做这个。我认为这是帮助改变文化的一种非常有力的方式。我在想我作为《辛西的女人》采访对象的经历。 That hour was so valuable just in terms of getting my own thoughts out there and being able to connect on a deeper level with somebody who cared to listen to my story. How about you as a guest on a podcast? What are your thoughts on the power of reflection to help us create culture?
切尔西:(00:30:13)嗯,我觉得它很大。所以我们有个笑话说每年《辛西的女人》都会自我改造。但我不是在开玩笑。所以我们可能已经经历了三次非常大的转变,而我们现在才三年多。因为在年底的时候,我们会坐下来讨论,比如,好吧,这行不通或者还行。我们需要做得更好。好的。比如,我们看到我们社区的这种需求没有被满足。好的。你知道吗? We see this need, but that’s not our lane and we’re not the ones to do it. So we’re constantly just reimagining what we do and how we do it, what our content strategy is. I’ve got a phone call next week, it was supposed to be a big meeting, internally we’re gonna redo the way that our content schedule looks, which is huge for us. We’re all about content because we just want to keep doing it better. We just keep learning new things about how to operate. And we are, by the way, we are one hundred percent like volunteer-driven. I don’t get paid like everybody is a volunteer on Women of Cincy’s staff. Hopefully one day we have a small full time staff because there’s a lot of work to do. But so we are all volunteers coming together constantly. So we’ve got a lot of just like roles that are constantly changing just for the nature of volunteer work. We’ve got new perspectives that are always coming to the table, which is actually a good thing, and it forces us to stop and think about the way that we operate. Reflection has been huge for us. I think we’ve learned quite a few lessons, some of the biggest ones being that empathy is a muscle. So it’s important for us to come out over and over and over with new stories and new ways to engage with people, because empathy is a muscle if you don’t flex it, if you’re not fully engaged. I mean, you will kind of lose it. So empathy is a muscle we’ve got to keep coming nonstop. You know, we’ll never run out of stories. We’ll never run out of content. That’s a big piece of it. We are for profit, by the way. We changed to a nonprofit, which was a huge jump for us. But it was the right one for sure, that came out of, you know, just knowing that we’re stronger together and that there shouldn’t be one person driving the ship. I was the CEO. Now I’m the executive director. So I’ve kind of, you know, handed over the reins to our community to take this and run with it. We’ve just I don’t know. There’s a ton of them. I think another big one is it’s OK not to have all the answers. And we’re very up front with that. We always tell people in our newsletters that we’re learning. You talk about times that like maybe we said something and we were like, is that how we should have phrased it? Or someone said something and we want to apologize. I wouldn’t say apologize. We want to change the way that we speak about a certain topic from here on out, like we say all kinds of stuff publicly, because I think that it’s important to reflect and to own up to when you do make a mistake and to not be afraid of that. So, for instance, we noticed that. So I mentioned that all of our interviewees for feature stories are nomination driven. So our community is telling us who to interview and we noticed that we ran a whole batch of just like 30 to 40 year old white women in a row. And there was just no diversity. And it took us a minute. And we saw that happening and coming down the pipeline. And so basically, we just put out a letter to our community saying, like, hey, we’re learning how to do this. We’re trying to put things in place to make sure that things like this don’t happen again. We love all the stories that are coming out and we want to make sure we’re telling everybody’s stories. Here’s the three things you can do to help. You know, you can grab coffee with us and help us figure out how to better serve your community. You can nominate people on our site who have more diverse stories. You can invite us to an event. And we’ll just come connect with people that maybe don’t know that we exist. So we like to start putting out lists of ways that people can help us do this better. And so we do stuff like that all the time.
切尔西:(00:35:16)找到我们的最好的地方是在女性疾病.org,或者您也可以在Facebook,Instagram,Twitter和LinkedIn @Womenofcincy找到我们。
凯蒂:(00:35:28)感谢收听本周的节目。一定要在社交媒体上关注我们,并在对话中加入你的声音。你可以在Untold Content找雷竞技电竞竞猜到我们。