Tisha Livingston博客图片

Untold Innovation Stories: Tisha Livingston



今年在数不清的内容,我们专雷竞技电竞竞猜注于停止ries of Untold Innovation. As a firm committed to innovation storytelling from thought leaders across organizations and sectors, we have embarked on a journey to uncover stories of innovative thinking that are galvanizing change and growth in four main industries: tech, medical, science, and human impact. We’ve asked you to nominate thought leaders in your field who are driving innovation, and you continue to deliver!

我们的下一个创新故事来自Infinite Acres首席执行官Tisha Livingston。她通过缩放室内食品生产来支持健康的社区。我们的采访跟随了几次旅程:她的创新旅程和旅程为我们的杂货店。泰莎凭借我们社区的健康和环境的环境,介绍了局部种植生产的广泛益处。她不怕分享她的想法并鼓励其他创新者做同样的事情。所以,也许抓住健康的零食,并挖掘我们对该月的创新者的采访,Tisha Livingston。


蒂莎·利文斯顿’s Innovation Story


Tisha Livingston是无限公司的首席执行官,这家公司是荷兰公司Prima公司的全球合资公司,Prima是一家温室技术公司,一家美国室内农业公司,80英亩农场和英国最大的在线杂货商英国奥卡多集团。她致力于通过在环境控制、无农药的设施中进行垂直农业来扩大室内食品生产,并重视当地食品在使社区更加强大和健康方面的作用。



UC: I’ve had the honor of following 80 Acres’ story since the very beginning and I’ve actually toured your facility. Your work with sensors and indoor agriculture makes you leading innovators in this space. Could you tell us more about the tech side of what you do?


UC: How did your personal journey to this kind of innovation begin?

TL:My background is in food and food manufacturing. I spent 20 years in the food industry making things like fried chicken nuggets and biscuits-you know, all the processed foods that are belly-fillers, but not necessarily things that are the most nutritious for you. My business partner, Mike, and I worked for Del Monte Foods. I was the Chief Operating Officer of a division. Mike was the president CEO, and we worked with a lot of growers and farmers that were growing produce in a conventional way. We heard their struggles and challenges about raising crops, getting them to harvest, and then providing those crops to customers in a timely manner. It’s a constant struggle. They didn’t have enough light, enough heat units, enough water, or the soil didn’t have the right nutrients in it. There’s this constant balance and struggle to produce food. What we’re finding is that global warming and climate change is a real thing, and it’s really affecting growers. Some years, they have really good results. And then other years, crops can be completely wiped out. We just recognize that our food supply is very fragile and most of our food is coming from California or other faraway places. That’s fine, except for the fact that it creates a huge carbon footprint and takes a lot of time to deliver it. There are more and more people becoming conscious of their health and what they put into their bodies. I mean, I’m one of them. I want to make sure that I’m not consuming carcinogens and pesticides. I want to make sure that what I’m providing my children are the most healthy food and fresh produce. That’s one of the best gifts parents can give their children: healthy food.





UC: Can you share with us your view for the future at 80 Acres?

TL:我们有一些非常令人兴奋的事情正在进行。我们和几个合伙人合作,成立了一个合资公司,叫做无限英亩, and our partners’ global tech companies. We have a horticulture company from the Netherlands with expertise in growing crops, airflow, water, and nutrition. Then we have a company in London calledocado.谁知道在线杂货零售商的挑战。他们是世界上最大的在线杂货零售商,他们有极好的预测分析和自动化。80英亩土地有机会与这些伟大的公司合作,真是令人兴奋。尽管我们只是辛辛那提的一家小型初创企业,但它让我们能够扩大规模,并考虑在世界各地引进我们的农场。全世界的人都在改变他们的饮食方式。通过我们的合作伙伴关系、规模、技术和过去几年的创新,我们能够做出改变。你可以花费数十亿美元在基础设施建设上,把粮食从农场运到城市,或者你可以想办法在一个城市里建立一个绿洲,提供新鲜的当地农产品,消除对英里数的需求。我想你可以看出我对此很兴奋,但机会太多了。这是一个很大的挑战,但我发现全世界的社区都非常需要它。世界各地的人们都应该重新找到食物的来源。


TL:With our innovation team, committing to the “best idea wins” concept is key. It doesn’t matter who in the organization comes up with the idea or their credentials. For our team, the big thing is having that guiding light, that North Star–knowing where we want to go. It’s important for us all to know that it’s not easy, but that we’re all moving in the same direction. Sometimes it’s not the straight path that gets you where you need to go, but we have the confidence that as a team we’re going to get where we need to be. It’s like a beautiful symphony when it’s all working together. When everyone knows their roles and endures the handoffs, it’s just the most amazing thing to watch. I spend half my time in Europe and half my time here, and when I’m here and I’m watching the way all of our employees are working together–that’s what keeps me motivated.





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