Sabrina Collins创新访谈博客图像

Untold Innovation Stories:Sibrina Collins

无国罗来的创新:含有Sibrina Collins几分钟

通过:Dani Clark

今年在数不清的内容,我们专雷竞技电竞竞猜注于停止ries of Untold Innovation. As a firm committed to innovation storytelling from thought leaders across organizations and sectors, we have embarked on a journey to uncover stories of innovative thinking that are galvanizing change and growth in four main industries: tech, medical, science and human impact. This second quarter, we’re focused on the science sector. We’ve asked you to nominate thought leaders in your field who are driving innovation, and you continue to deliver!

本月,我们在劳伦斯技术大学马尔伯格斯托斯中心执行董事Sibrina Collins博士分享故事。在这次采访中,我们正在谈论大思想/概念,从纪律的合作和讲故事的重要性,因为在有限的代表的面对追求思想的追求力量的终力接入点。超过15年作为源于茎的多样性,她继续寻找新的和创新的方法,以教育社区化学和妇女和妇女和促进其进步的颜色的科学家。

所以,通过我们对本月的创新者的采访来填补你一天的接下来的几分钟,Sibrina Collins。


Sibrina Collin’s Innovation Story

Sibrina Collins创新故事图片

Sibrina N. Collins博士是一名无机化学家和Stem Administrator劳伦斯技术大学。柯林斯一直是学术界和非营利部门的茎干多样性的强大倡导者,超过15年。由于经验,作为化学教授,作家,编辑和独立历史学家,她继续教育社区,历史和妇女和科学家的彩色历史和重要贡献。




SC:My degree in chemistry has provided me with a lot of opportunities, including working as a college professor and as a writer and editor with the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Washington D.C. I’ve also worked as a museum executive at the Charles H. Wright Museum for African-American History in Detroit. Prior to the new museum opening in Washington D.C., this museum was the largest cultural institution dedicated to the African-American experience. Now I’m the founding executive director of the Marburger STEM Center, and you can think of the center as the umbrella for all the STEM programs on campus. In a nutshell, my role is to promote STEM education.


SC:基本上,Marburger Stew Center是相当新的 - 它是与史蒂夫鲍尔默的Microsoft和Lawrence Tech Alumni的前首席执行官的礼物建立。我们于2016年9月举行了一场盛大的开幕。它真的是我们夏天营地的校园里的所有词干活动的伞,这是劳伦斯技术的一个非常重要的饲养者计划。夏令营计划与企业家精神到交通设计的一系列主题,近50%的参与者招收到赚取学位。它还包括我们与底特律公立学校社区区的伙伴关系,称为Blue Devil承诺,其增强了公立学校的茎课程。作为一名毕业生,它是与学生合作时与社区联系的好方法。

I’m not really housed in a specific department, but I follow this philosophy of “no silos,” meaning that I have the opportunity to collaborate with faculty across campus, in the College of Business and Information Technology, the College of Architecture and Design, the College of Engineering, and the College of Arts and Sciences. It’s really good to have that ability to collaborate with faculty and impact students.

UC: We’re curious what other university STEM centers have to learn from your center and the work that’s being done there.

SC:At STEM centers, we want to make sure that we’re responsive to the needs of faculty, students, and staff on campus–providing a space where you can have those conversations across colleges, not just across departments, to come together and create innovative programming. It’s a wonderful experience to contribute to the campus as a whole. Over the years, I have researched and published articles about the important contributions of women and scientists of color simply because if you look at a lot of science textbooks you don’t see them represented. I have written a number of articles to educate about bias for a number of years now. This year, I collaborated with an awesome student, Marie Anne Torres-Lopez, from the Media Communication program and as a senior project. She actually took a few of my articles and used those to make a documentary with several other students. It’s calledWomen Untold, and it is pretty amazing. These types of videos can be used by high school teachers to make connections to content in the classroom. We are likely one of the first STEM centers to develop a documentary like this. I’m hoping that other STEM centers can see what we’re doing and realize that this is a way STEM and Humanities fields can collaborate on a project and really make an impact on the community.


SC:我会告诉你 - 这绝对是重要的,这是一种与教室里的学生建立联系的方式。几年前,我是一位化学教授,我正在教一部第二个学期的一般化学课程。我们正在涵盖电化学的主题,专注于电池。这不是一个简单的话题,教学和一些概念对学生来说非常挑战。回来那么,iPod是流行的电子设备 - 我认为任何人都不再拥有iPod [笑声]。我想使用iPod与学生联系,所以有一天我走进上课,并说我的讲座的标题是“你的iPod是什么?”然后我让学生告诉我他们在播放列表中的艺术家。我甚至在黑板上创建了两个列表:一个向我展示学生音乐的一个列表。当我说我听Beyonce时,学生非常乐意,以及他们如何上市艺术家,我从未听说过。我的意思是,这些孩子真的订婚了!从那里,我促使他们,“现在我们谈到了你倾听这个设备的艺术家,让我们谈谈设备如何实际工作。”我们开始进行关于电池工作和其他化学概念的对话。我实际上汇总了一份简短的论文,并将其提交给化学教育,接受了。它只是回到了关于讲故事的重点以及如何与学生接触和联系的方式。

Even more recently, I coauthored an article with Professor LaVetta Appleby about Marvel Studios’ Black Panther film as a way to engage students with STEM. Basically, it comes down to how I cannot turn off my chemistry brain, even when I go to the movies. I went to go see that movie with my younger cousins, and as I watched the film, I began to notice that this fictional African nation, Wakanda, was primarily supported by the production and use of this fictitious element, Vibranium. I asked myself, if this element really existed, where would it be on the periodic table? I couldn’t get the question out of my head, so when I went home that night, I started crafting the paper and digging into that storytelling. The next day I sent an email to my colleague, Professor Appleby, who teaches in the Department of Natural Sciences at Lawrence Tech, asking her if she had seen the film. She even added a bonus question to the next exam about it. We identified the Marvel Comics fans very quickly and were able to use some of their responses in the article, which we submitted and published through the Journal of Chemical Education in 2018. This has been an incredible opportunity for us to use this movie as an access point to engage in chemistry.


SC:实际上,我想提供两件建议。首先是:在盒子外保持思考并没有让其他人劝阻你追求创造性的项目或想法是非常重要的。只是因为有人可能看不到价值或了解你想要做的东西,并不意味着这不是一个好主意。无论如何追求这个想法,带来风险。第二件建议是认识到你的幸福是你的责任。就像其他人一样,我有职业挫折,但随着朋友和家人的支持,我向前迈进了,使新的成功途径。所以换句话说,走上你的真相并走上你的目的 - 这是我会给予的建议。

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