Untold Innovation Stories:Laura Marino

Untold Innovation: A few minutes with劳拉马里诺



Our next innovation story comes from Laura Marino, Senior Vice President of杠杆创新者,连同她的团队,她modernizing the way organizations recruit talent. Combined with her board member role withLeading Women in Technology, Laura’s industry experience has revealed a key aspect of innovation: building diverse teams. So, get ready to be inspired by our interview with Innovator of the Month, Laura Marino.

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Laura is currently SVP of Product at杠杆,快速增长,VC支持公司,现代化组织培育和招聘人才的方式。Laura对产品管理,并购分析以及企业策略的定义,具有丰富经验的高级产品高级产品,对扩展公司和产品组织充满热情。作为扩展教学团队的成员Stanford Management Science and Engineering Department, she lectures on entrepreneurship and product management. A supporter of women and diversity, Laura serves on the Board ofLeading Women in Technology,致力于促进妇女领导的非营利性。

UC: Tell us about your field of specialty.

LM:My official field of specialty is technology because I’ve been leading product teams in software companies in Silicon Valley for a long time. I’ve been helping startups scale and large organizations bring innovative products to market, but unofficially, I would say that my specialty is human impact.

我是技术和多样性妇女的倡导者 - 我是一名教师和核心的导师。在许多方面,在我当前的角色作为产品的SVP杠杆,我有独特而有价值的机会结合这两个领域,因为杠杆正在现代化公司招募和雇用人才。我们认为,多样化的员工基础对提高创新很重要。通过我们的招聘软件,我们不仅可以帮助企业提高他们吸引和雇用人才的方式,但我们也帮助他们带来更多样化的人才库,并跟踪他们的候选人的多样性。

UC: Could you speak a little bit more to the importance of diversity and inclusion on innovation?

LM:I believe thatwhen you bring people together who have diverse backgrounds, diverse experiences, and diverse perspectives, you’re able to get a much richer set of ideas-not to mention, you’re able to more successfully bring those ideas to market.例如,当您正在开发必须解决广泛市场的产品时,如果您从个人经验的角度纯粹地查看了物品,您可能会错过对大量目标客户非常重要的方面。有能够看到那些缺失的作品的团队成员非常有价值。当您建立全球产品时,让能够理解不同地区和文化之间的差异的人非常有助于引导产品的成功。一个多样化的团队可以包括互补技能,产生更多的想法,并以更全面的方式看解决方案。


LM:My personal story began many years ago when as a young woman in Colombia, and I decided to study civil engineering. Civil engineering is a technical, male-dominated career, and I was one out of only four women in my class. I came to the US for graduate school and after nine years of working in civil engineering, I went back to school and moved into the software industry, working on a broad range of technologies from speech recognition to customer relationship management to HR technology.

While I was very fortunate throughout my career to encounter many male allies who helped me along the way, I could really see how underrepresented women and minorities were in the tech industry. So, as my career progressed, I made an effort to start building balanced teams and to mentor women. Then three years ago, I joined the Board ofLeading Women in Technology,这是一个致力于帮助妇女发展他们需要推进领导力的技能的非营利组织。

UC: Tell us a bit more about the need for this organization, Leading Women in Tech, and how it’s grown since you started there.

LM:Leading Women in Tech is very interesting because it’s not just for women in technology. It was started by an IP lawyer, who realized that women had a difficult time getting to leadership positions in male-dominated fields. She put together a year-long program, where expert speakers present on specific topics to help women develop the skills they need to move forward in their careers. Those topics include projecting credibility, developing self-confidence, negotiation and leadership skills, and becoming an agent of change. Women tend to doubt themselves more than men, and because of that, they don’t step up to challenges. They want to feel that they know everything before they try something new. I would say we tend to be perfectionists. But there’s a lot that we can do with a little guidance and confidence.

该计划在Palo Alto开始,然后通过嘴巴开始成长。现在,我们有四个不同的地方:Palo Alto,旧金山,西雅图和纽约。我们希望尽可能多的妇女能够携带它,因此我们正在提出不仅将希望的女性发送给该计划的赞助商,而且通过他们的赞助使我们能够让我们保证不受赞助的女性的程序的成本。这是一个精彩的计划。我们尝试鼓励的另一个程序是为女性创建支持网络。他们一起度过一年长的计划,鼓励他们相互了解并形成一个长期支持网络。



Talent acquisition today is one of the most strategic priorities of any growing company.



UC: Could you share a little window into what it looks like to be tracking metrics for talent recruitment and diversity and working in this new data-driven approach?

LM:在杠杆上工作是一种惊人的经历,因为杠杆本身是一个令人难以置信的多元化公司。我们的首席执行官是一个女人。超过50%的经理人和超过四十个工程师是女性。我从来没有一个团队,有这么多女性工程师和产品经理,我认为这是因为文化。这不仅仅是妇女代表方面的多样性 - 我们各方面的多样性:种族,文化和性别。这会影响我们对候选人经验和均衡团队的看法。通过我们的产品和我们的思想领导,我们帮助客户建立这些多元化的团队。

公司今天不能等人应用ly to their job postings–that doesn’t work anymore. Companies have to reach out to people who may not be actively looking for a job, but who would be the best fits, and who would contribute to the diversity of their team. Our product allows companies to reach out and establish a relationship with those passive candidates. It also tracks diversity across the various sources of candidates, at every stage in the process, and for every company department or location. Not only can companies make sure that they are bringing a diverse set of candidates early on in the funnel, but also that the diversity remains as the candidates move along in the process.

The data-driven approach extends beyond providing visibility into candidate diversity. It also helps recruiters and talent leaders track how they are doing against their hiring goals, understand hiring velocity, identify parts of the process that need improvement, collaborate with hiring managers, and ultimately ensure a great candidate experience.


LM:Participants in Leading Women in Technology come from companies of all sizes and from a variety of disciplines. Typically, the women who join the program are about five to ten years into their careers–they may be working for a startup or maybe part of a larger organization. They want to develop the skills to move up in that organization and be able to have a bigger impact. Several of our sponsors are large companies. We have Microsoft and Amazon as sponsors in Seattle, Pfizer in New York, and Adobe and Autodesk in San Francisco. I believe that those companies know that more diverse leadership increases innovation.

我个人有机会在初创公司和大型组织工作,我相信两者都有创新的机会。正如我所提到的那样,当这是一个全新的技术时,我开始演讲识别的职业生涯。我在该技术上工作,作为启动的一部分,后来作为包括微软在内的大型组织的一部分,这在该空间中推动了创新。启动最初确实需要很多帮助和支持,他们有一个他们想要带到世界的愿景,他们需要一定的安全性。人们有机会购买Aktien von初创公司(stocks of startups) especially if they think they will make a positive impact on the economy, that is why investors are an important factor in getting them up and running.

Now at Lever, I am helping drive innovation in a different space. Lever is a growing startup with over two hundred people. Our customers range from large organizations to young companies that are growing very fast. One of the unique things about the product is its ability to support companies that are going through really accelerated growth and are doubling the number of employees in one year.

UC: There’s a lot of conversation about the keys to innovation, whether that’s in a small startup or in a BigCo. Could you speak about what, in your opinion, are some of the keys to innovation, especially in new product development?

LM:I do believe that innovation is a team sport. You sometimes hear about people who are very bright and have incredible ideas, but even those visionaries need a team to execute and bring those bright ideas into reality. In most cases, you have a group of people that work together and come up with good ideas. They can identify problems that exist in the market and think about innovative ways to solve those problems.

回到多样性的优势 - 我相信,如果你与带有不同经历和观点的人建造一个团队,你更有可能首先产生最好的想法,其次是将这些想法变成现实。创新要求使用开放的心灵和同理心来看待市场发生的事情的人。和充满热情的人们改变。在大多数情况下,并不是为了找到一个明亮的人,成为未来的有远见的人。我的建议是建立正确的,平衡的团队,帮助您识别机会并对他们执行。


LM: Storytelling has a huge role, not just in innovation, but in bringing concepts and ideas to a place where people can relate to and validate them.你可能有一个好主意,但除非你能够以人们实际理解的方式表达它,

Early on, it’s valuable to present your idea in the form of a story that engages the user in imagining how the future will be different for them, thanks to your idea-how it will make their life better.



LM:I already mentioned that innovation is a team sport, so I would focus on building the right team and giving them space and ownership. I would also say that innovation requires a lot of listening and observation and a lot of humility. Go out to the market and listen to and observe your target customers.倾听他们的问题和意见,观察他们如何做事,因为这就是你将如何开始感受所需的感觉。人们不会告诉你你需要建立什么,但他们会告诉你他们在哪里有痛苦点。此外,观察即将到来的变化,是IT技术,文化或法规,并确定这些变更将创造的新需求。观察和倾听的能力是一个非常关键的能力。

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