
无尽创新故事:Gaby Rudd

Untold Innovation: A few minutes with加布鲁德



我们的下一篇创新故事来自伙伴关系负责人Gaby Rudd17A。我们的采访邀请读者扩大他们对创新观点来包括公共部门。Gaby通过她的创新流程来散步,以及如何关注飞行员测试和数据收集可以实现所有的差异。因此,花一点时间指导您对本月创新者采访的创新思考,Gaby Rudd。

P.S. Keep sending in those nominations of others for us to highlight in our Untold Innovation series. You can complete our提名形式或通过信息发送电子邮件。



UC: Could you tell us a bit about yourself and your field of specialty?

GR:这是真正的技术和人类影响 - 我们专注于利用创新技术来改善公共服务交付。


GR:My innovation origin story begins with the辛辛那提大学。I attended the College Conservatory of Music (CCM.) where I focused on everything production related (eg. audio, video, photography, illustration, UI&UX, and web design). During this time most of my energy was going directly into honing my skills in Adobe’ programs such as Premiere, Photoshop, and Illustrator. Throughout my time in school, I grew more and more interested in entrepreneurship and began taking classes in business and product development. I found that one of my favorite things to do is understand someone’s pain-points and be able to prototype products that are a viable solution to the problem they are having.

After graduating, I applied toThe Brandery并结束了这份工作只是两天后 - 它觉得这一切都很真实。我很欣喜若狂!在该角色中,我通过将它们与导师,创意机构和潜在投资者联系起来,我协助培养了我们的队列的品牌和企业。在做那个工作的同时,我最终会见安妮,刚刚搬到辛辛那提的辛辛那提成长17A。17A是一家专注于改善公共服务交付的战略公司。我们在成瘾服务,司法系统,经济发展和其他公共问题域等地区致力于计划设计和边疆创新项目。RAYBET雷官网

一件很酷的事情是,这些字段是有限公司nnected to the other, so through our work we find those threads and follow them! From the start, Annie was so passionate, and I was thinking to myself the whole time, “Okay, I know nothing about the public sector, but I love innovation and feel like this could be really impactful.” So, I ended up joining the 17a team-I was actually the first employee. Now we’re a team of six! It’s been great. I see so many intelligent people in the innovation space creating cool things like hoverboards, but using that same kind of innovative thinking and creativity in public service delivery is more interesting to me. I’m passionate about innovation that positively impacts the community.

UC: What are the impacts of your innovation on the field at large?

GR:我们的一大部分工作正在开发解决公共问题的新方法 - 这可能包括开发新工具或设计新计划。我们将传统的初创世界带来了很多核心创新原则,进入了之前没有看到过的地区,而且很有趣。不止于此,它是有影响力的。作为一支球队,我们真的专注于同步想法,使我们成为更好的问题解决方案。例如,我们使用结构化的问题解决会议从团队的一个成员中获取一个想法并在一起建立。我们的创新来自该协作的地方。

For the past couple of years now, we’ve been working in addiction services. The work began through a project we did for a venture capital fund. The venture capital fund was interested in developing an investment thesis for the addiction services space and we did that work to develop their approach and really learn the space. This was at the same time that the鸦片类药物泛滥正在收集国家的关注。


To solve that problem, 17a launched a nonprofit calledRealworksRealworks is funded by addiction treatment providers and hospital systems here in Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky. The group of providers works together to share pain points and we use them to identify areas for innovation; from there we partner with tech companies who offer solutions, and then launch short pilots to gather data-backed insights.

This is a big part of how we approach innovation: understanding frontline issues, pilot testing solutions and using data to mature service delivery.


GR:绝对 - 我会谈论瘾空间中的一个。证据表明,同性导师对长期恢复的某人的成功有很大影响。同行导师是长期康复的人 - 他们与早期恢复的人合作,能够理解早期恢复的挑战是什么,因为他们以前在那里。

我们知道同行导师有很大的影响;但我们也知道,对待导师如何融入治疗生态系统中有很多差距 - 他们有很多方法可以更好地支持同龄人,更好地与需要他们的人。


我们认识一些团体正在努力改善同伴导师在医疗保健方面的作用 - 因此我们决定经营奖品竞赛,找到一家可以在成瘾服务中与我们一起飞行的公司。RAYBET雷官网通过这一点,我们最终与一个名为的公司联系Inquisit Health。Sunicisit Health已经创建了软件,以提高同伴导师在糖尿病和艾滋病毒等疾病治疗中的作用。他们在这些地区取得了成功,我们决定与他们合作,为成瘾服务的同行导师制定一个工具。RAYBET雷官网这项工作是通过飞行员。



These are some of the common ingredients of our pilots-a known gap, evidence about potential impact, technology players that know what they are doing and the voice of the end user.

值得注意的是,可以用任何新技术引起的潜在伤害。如果有可能造成伤害群体,我们倾向于极端谨慎犯罪。对于同伴导师飞行员来说,风险管理的最大问题归结为如何确保允许使用该平台的同行导师的质量和真实性。例如,我们会背景检查想要加入的人吗?背景检查潜在的同伴导师以某种方式造成更好的伤害吗?它可以做到,所以这就是为什么我们在谨慎方面犯错误。随着这一点,我们已经意识到许多雇主可能会寻找“small business background screening services“谈到招聘潜在员工时,我们肯定会做同样的事情吗?他们想了解可能为他们工作的人的一切,它是有道理的。但问题仍然存在 - 它会为我们工作吗?我们决定管理风险的方式是通过在不同阶段实施飞行员 - 在第一阶段期间,通过网络当前成员或成瘾治疗提供者的管理员验证,所需的人们需要邀请。我们还决定将阶段专注于创建资源和社区,以直接支持同行导师,并持有匹配任何人。

The work we do with Realworks in the addiction space is a little different than the work that we do at 17a as a whole. We typically get pulled onto projects with other firms to do systems design work in many different arenas like economic development, criminal justice or Medicaid. But with our work in the addiction space, it’s been specifically focused on running tech pilots that could be used in adjacent markets.

UC: My next question moves away from the work itself and into how it’s represented. What role do you feel that storytelling plays in innovation? Could you describe the importance of storytelling to your own work?



GR:要专注于你对你的热情而不是你的产品或服务可以让你成为的东西。对于创新者,至少在我的经验中,想法一直发生。你必须实际decide what’s important to you and focus your ideas there。That’s where you’ll do the best work. I’d ask yourself questions like, “Are you willing to go the extra mile with the idea that you’ve come up with? Are you prepared to use your own energy and time and resources to get that idea off the ground?” Being really committed to your ideas makes a difference. When I started caring about public problems and how my skills could be used in that space, my work became so much more than a 9 to 5 job. Burnout is real-do what you care about!

Thanks for reading Gaby’s innovation story. You can read more about our Untold Innovation Stories series in ourUntold Innovation Stories Taploff Post



