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Untold Innovation Stories: Dave Pechersky

不可思议的创新:几分钟Dave Pechersky

经过:Dani Clark

This year at Untold Content, we’re focusing on stories of Untold Innovation. As a firm committed to innovation storytelling from thought leaders across organizations and sectors, we have embarked on a journey to uncover stories of innovative thinking that are galvanizing change and growth in four main industries: tech, medical, science and human impact. We’ve asked you to nominate thought leaders in your field who are driving innovation, and you continue to deliver!

我们的下一个创新故事来自戴夫·佩斯基,首席执行官Movemints。In our interview, we hear more about how real experiences enrich organizational storytelling, especially when introducing a new idea. When it comes to innovation, Dave reminds us to stay dedicated, care deeply about the work, and lean into surrounding support systems.

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Dave Pechersky’s Innovation Story

Dave Pechersky Headshot Image

David Pechersky博士是匹兹堡大括号LLC,匹兹堡的私人正交组,以及Movemints,LLC,唯一可食用配件的创造者的首席执行官,用于清晰的对齐器,如Invisalign和Smile Direct Club。Pechersky博士是密歇根大学,皮特牙科和塔夫茨矫正学的校友。


DP:I became a dentist first, but eventually studied to be an orthodontist through a residency program. Now, I help people with the position of their teeth and difficulties they’re having with their bite. That’s one of the things that sets us apart–there are dentists out there that also perform orthodontic treatments, but only every so often, whereas the entire focus of our practice is purely orthodontics.

The concept forMovemints我在2013年底开始,当我对待自己Invisalign.。我加入了匹兹堡的练习,使用了相当数量的Invisalign,但从来没有真正致力于在我们实践中作为每个人的治疗选择 - 它更像是樱桃选择更容易的案件。2011年和2013年间,我开始真正欣赏我们提供的患者体验Invisalign.。我想,“没有更好的方法来了解患者的往往是什么,而不是对待自己和我的妻子。”我的妻子从来没有牙套,所以她真的很兴奋。当我上大学时,我有一个微小的复发,停止穿着我的保持者,就像其他人一样[笑]。所以,了解我今天患者的影响是一个很好的方法。老实说,我了解到没有更好的方法可以与人们谈论他们即将经历的东西,而不是你自己如何完成。So, if you are looking at gettingInvisalign.for teens and kids, you better read up as much as you can and talk to those who have had it, you may not be able to experience it yourself but research is your friend in this instance.

由于Invisalign是在90年代后期创建的,因此它只有一个被牙医所规定的辅助工具口香糖。这是一个有点泡沫塑料管,看起来像医疗棉花卷,但它有一个空心的内部,它由聚苯乙烯泡沫制成。每当我尝试使用它时,它只是让我呕吐 - 它会造成粗略并开始闻起来。想象一周或两两个星期后,它变得像厨房海绵。

因此,我开始用不同类型的可食用糖果在我的实验室尝试。我正试图弄清楚我们如何让双手从嘴里放出嘴巴,这就是Movemints出生的方式。基本上,我希望制作一种无糖薄荷,形状是功能性的,最小的和乐趣。我最终在接下来的四年里度过了研究和开发,试图使其成为消费品。现在,它在全球验收,这让我甚至可以说,因为它是一个如此过山车。有些时候我会认为我已经没有想到了想法或蒸汽,然后从无处可去的地方发出电子邮件,它将再次开始全新。有时候我刚希望这个想法会活着,现在我们在这里 - 我们实际上刚刚卖掉了我们的一百万薄荷。

这个想法是采取这种Invisalign的塑料托盘,或者现在是为我们的人口提供服务的20家不同的20个不同的对齐公司中的任何一个,并反复地将它们置于牙齿上。这就是塑料如何施加力量,就像牙套一样。搭配牙套,您可以在牙套中主动地绑架,这就像固定在牙齿上的手柄。但是用塑料,它只是有点悬挂牙齿一点点,为了让你处于处方的压力,你必须尽可能多地坐在牙齿上,就像你一样 - 越多。因此,随着嚼脚,你只是用你的托盘咀嚼它,然后按下牙齿上的牙齿,这就是将牙齿移动到其新位置的东西。Basically, the purpose is not to clean teeth but more so to help the plastic trays, exert their force upon to the teeth.

Movemints are not Chewies and in a curious kind of way. Movemints are hard, sugar-free mints that patients can use to perform the same chewing exercises as the chewy. However, if you’ve ever worn a retainer overnight and woke up with a stale taste in your mouth, you know how awful that experience can be. We know aligner patients all over the world are experiencing that terrible taste during their workday. And so, Movemints takes it one step further and actually enhances the patient experience while allowing them to continue to perform their chewing exercises as they had before. There are also sites likemyorthoselect.comwhich offer newer technological services, like DIBS AI. DIBS AI is a digital-based software that can help realign teeth with newer and more comfortable apparatus.

加州大学:does your personal innovation story begin?

DP:对于我的矫正性居住,我去了Tufts Universityin Boston, along with all eight of my co-residents. We had a couple of faculty who had invented things and their products were being sold by orthodontic supply companies, whether it was a brace or an instrument. We all thought, “How cool would it be to invent something like that and make all this money.” And you know, that’s what you think before you jump into this game–you think that literally all you need is an idea, when in reality it’s so much more than that [Laughs]。所以,我会在居住日回来,我一直想到我可以创造的东西,这将使人们的生活更容易作为正畸医生。但是,我意识到了,这个国家只有10,000个实践的正畸医师。如果您试图建立大型企业,那么您希望销售的可寻销的类型并不完全。在患者行业中的患者行业更加有益,这么多不同的方式。

UC:What do others in your industry have to learn from these innovations?

DP:It could be as easy as:如果您不是绝对致力于您的创新,请不要这样做。It can consume you. I was a full-time practicing orthodontist up until 2013 when my co-founder and I started exploring this path. We were just trying to see what would come of it. Then, the next thing you know, we got our first patent. Then, we incorporated. Then, manufacturing. It becomes your baby. It’s only worthwhile or fulfilling if it’s something that you absolutely care deeply about. It’s not something that I would recommend if you’re looking to make more money. If it weren’t for the personal satisfaction that I get out of it, I think it would be hard to envision entering this type of entrepreneur game. There’s also balance. Like with anything in life, balance is so important. Then, there’s the importance of support. For me, it comes from my wife and my family, but wherever you get it from, make sure you have it. Because yes, it was my idea, but I certainly couldn’t have done any of what I’ve done without the support system that I have in place.

UC:What role do you feel that storytelling plays in innovation? Could you describe the importance of storytelling to your own work?

DP:It certainly was a concept that was lost on me for the first number of years of this path. My co-founder, Drew Goldstein, had been in the startup industry before and would drop the storytelling line early on, and I would just sort of laugh it off. But I can still remember one of our first pitches to people who were in the financial industry who were looking to support local startup ventures. I learned that storytelling is critical to success in startup industries, primarily because concepts are born so far in advance of actual business modeling. If you’re not able to carry your concepts through storytelling up until the point where you’ve actually built a business that can be shown on paper, then it’s so easy to lose out on potential partnerships and fundraising efforts. The reason for this is that people out there are short on time and attention, and there’s a million different ideas. Storytelling was a huge learning exercise for me, and I was fortunate enough to be in an industry where I had financial stability. I had no external pressure to rush the concept that I was trying to build. And I was able to really tell stories out of real experience rather than trying to elaborate on what I really didn’t know much about. I wasn’t thrown into the fire, and I can imagine how stressful and difficult that would have been if my circumstances were different.我无法强调足够重要的是从内心和实际经验中讲述故事。It’s really a cut-throat industry–asking people for money. I think the majority of people can see through the fluff and just like any story, if it’s built from you know passion and real experience, it’s that much more compelling.


DP:You have to solve a problem.必须有某种存在的难点s in whatever industry or process that you’re innovating in. That pain point has to be real, not just something perceived by you. One of the things that we’ve learned is you really have to dig deep to identify exactly what that pain point is and build your message around that. And not necessarily the biggest of pictures, which are more fun to talk about, because when people open up their wallets and make decisions, whether they’re shopping on Amazon or your website or an ad, the largest portion of the bell curve of our population does not spend money frivolously or for no reason. So, fun ideas aren’t always the best ideas. The whole notion of solving a problem was something that took years for us to figure out just exactly what that message was before it started clicking with the end consumer and my profession at large. I would speak with other orthodontists who would just scratch their head at what I was doing, even though I thought it was so obvious. Before you spend time, energy, and certainly resources building your brand and your message, make sure you think hard about exactly what pain point you’re relieving.

感谢您阅读Dave的创新故事。您可以在我们的情况下阅读更多关于我们无法解决创新故事系列的信息Untold Innovation Stories kickoff post

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*Interviews are not endorsements of individuals or businesses.

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