
与IntelyCare的Chris Caulfield讨论导师、失败和创新的激情










Katie Trauth Taylor.[00:00:04]欢迎来到未经创新的案例,在那里我们扩大了洞察力,影响和创新的未解故事。由未结块内容提供支持。雷竞技电竞竞猜我是你的主人,Katie Trauth Taylor。

Katie Trauth Taylor.(00:00:18)我们今天的嘉宾是克里斯·考菲尔德。他是一名护士,他是一名创新者,他是IntelyCare的联合创始人。它是美国规模最大、增长最快的零工经济之一。他们只是获得最大的护士科技一轮风险资本在四千五百万系列b。我很感激你能腾出时间在今天的播客,克里斯,尤其是考虑到全球流行病和卫生危机,我们都还在处理2020年现在。谢谢你的到来。


Katie Trauth Taylor.(00:00:52)今年早些时候,当COVID-19大流行首次爆发时,IntelyCare的反应给我留下了深刻印象。我认为,你真的是在向护理界表达感激之情。我觉得有很多事情在发生,尤其是在美国,每个人都花时间说声谢谢。我记得每天晚上都会有人欢呼。我想是在7点,在一些主要城市。你可以回头看看。看到像纽约这样一个非常安静的城市突然爆发出为我们的医护人员和前线人员欢呼的场面,是一种怪异和奇怪的感觉。你能告诉我们你作为联合创始人是如何应对疫情的吗?


Katie Trauth Taylor.(00:02:48)对于那些不知道的听众,你能告诉我们一点IntelyCare解决的痛点,特别是护理人员的短缺吗?


Katie Trauth Taylor.(00:04:25)所以我想说你的创新工作有两个听众。一方面,你需要招募的是护士,他们需要有高技能,有意愿加入这个平台,还有设施,我想,谁来雇佣护理人员?


Katie Trauth Taylor.(00:05:14)是的。你能告诉我们,然后护理改变了吗?我的意思是,这是今年早些时候。您的公司被授予真正为护士科技提供的最大风险投资。这是难以置信的。恭喜。


Katie Trauth Taylor.(00:05:29)如果可以的话,告诉我们你是怎么走到这一步的。我很想知道,尤其是关于IntelyCare能够产生什么样的影响。然后我会深入讨论关于帮助你们完成B系列的故事叙述的问题。

克里斯·考尔菲德(00:05:47)确定。我是一名护士,我做护士已经有10年多了。当我成为一名护士时,在整个护理工作中都有很多低效的地方,无论是谈论电子设备还是文档。这就是我在护理信息学单位工作时的第一个创新尝试修正这个过程让护士更容易地照顾病人而不是把一半的时间花在记录上。我后来成为了一个工会代表。我代表长期护理医院的护士们处理他们的管理问题我们真正经历的,最大的问题是:被要求要上两班,或者,你知道,如果我们没有被要求上两班,不知怎么的,我们漏了缝,在那个特定的时间没有足够的护士,你就要承担双倍的病人负荷,这真的很不安全。有了这些我们经历过的问题,有些时候护士,你知道,基本上是在问谁是最后被授权的?有时,我们不得不打断护士们的争吵:“我不能呆下去了。”"你得留下来" So these issues were really boiling up. And we went around and we started looking at, you know, what type of contingency staffing solutions or agency staffing solutions can we bring in to really help our particular unit in our particular long-term care center. And at that time, there were really no solutions. So we went out there, we reached out to agencies and some of the queue time for actually getting a nurse, it’s usually… You need a couple of days really ahead of time to request because they’re making phone calls, making emails, really trying to twist people’s arms to come in and pick up a single shift. So the staffing, the outside staffing organizations are really set up to come in and have a travel nurse come in for eight weeks, 12 weeks, because that’s a pretty easy shift to fill for an agency doing manual processes. But as far as filling in that last minute call-off, the call-off where somebody calls in two hours before and there’s really no good solutions, the staff at that particular long-term care facility doesn’t have the time to go through and make 100 phone calls. So we came together and we were, you know, I actually joined and started the company initially with the director of IT that I was working in the hospital with trying to hack the EMR systems. And we came together and said, is there a solution that we… can we… could really take this and we can have an impact? And, you know, we built it from the ground off of kind of a clean slate of code. And he started making the code and trying to make the MBP. And me as the nurse, you know what I was doing… I started off in kind of building the recruitment team, you know, kind of the call center credentialing and actually just filling shifts. So it’s kind of finding out what type of resources you have, what’s your MBP and then ultimately looking at your vision and saying, what are we trying to solve here? So we got together and, you know, we started this process. And, you know, since then, we’ve added a lot of amazing team members that have really built out the company and really drove our company to. You know, recently we’ve been listed as the fastest growing company in Massachusetts, according to Inc magazine.

Katie Trauth Taylor.(00:09:15)恭喜。这是难以置信的。


Katie Trauth Taylor.[00:10:01]太棒了。It’s absolutely incredible to think about the lag in time and some of the staffing challenges that existed and the ability of a platform like yours to really turn all of that upside down and make things a lot more convenient and gain access much more rapidly to the care providers that they need.


Katie Trauth Taylor.(00:10:37)这是非常具有挑战性的。你知道一些事情?听到你的故事......你有没有想过你当你是护士或单位经理时会在这里吗?你有没有设想自己运行一天的公司?

克里斯·考尔菲德(00:10:50)是的,我想当我还是个孩子的时候,我有企业家的癖好,我只是在寻找合适的机会,真正地,真正地涉足这个领域。我想,当我还是个孩子的时候,我把柠檬水摊在外面,把车停在路边,试着卖柠檬水。在高中的时候,我加入了基督教青年会的创业俱乐部。我想我们在做,我不知道,热狗摊之类的事情。在大学期间,我一直在想:你能从事什么样的职业,找到一份相对稳定的工作,一份给你灵活性的工作,一份能让你真正利用自己的创新来启动自己的项目的工作?这就是我的道路,但我想我在想:你能产生什么样的巨大影响?你能在哪里。你能如何传播它,你能如何建立团队来实现它?我从来没有想过我们会有如此大的成功。你知道,我觉得我没必要这么做。这就是我们的团队所做的。 So I think that that’s really being in the right place at the right time and getting the right people to really scale your idea to have that big impact. So I don’t think I was necessarily thinking I would be where I am today, but it happened and we’re so excited to be here.

Katie Trauth Taylor.(00:12:12)我想问你一个关于你的团队的更深层次的问题,这就是我接下来要问的。但后来你说了一些让我很感动的话,你说:“我想产生影响。我想看看我能有多大,最大的影响可能是什么。我必须承认,尽管我也是一名企业家和首席执行官,但我的本能反应是,“这是多么可怕的愿望。”你曾经害怕过吗,害怕有那么大的愿景?你知道,我认为有时候即使我们刚开始,创建一家新公司,不管它是否专注于技术,它也会让人感觉更舒服。你知道,我们正在创造一些新的或创新的东西。说“我的梦想有可能产生最大的影响,那么是什么让你对自己的直觉有信心?是什么让你对自己的直觉有信心?”做那样的梦的公式是什么?因为我发现这很有趣,至少在个人层面上,我发现有时候这很有挑战性。

克里斯·考尔菲德(00:13:15)是的,这是一个可怕的世界。我想我认为我的目标我能实际上要去那里的唯一原因,真的试着做到这一点是我不害怕失败,你知道,失败了。我想当我们开始IntelyCare时,我们瞄准了市场。我们认为这将是最容易让我们的解决方案进入家庭护理。他们经历了很多同样的问题和少数人员。我们认为这将是最简单的入学点。我们失败了。当时家庭护理市场内有一些复杂的复杂性,我们的组织在这一点上并没有真正准备好。我认为愿意失败,几乎准备好了,然后起床,然后起身快速,转身,调整真的是你不能害怕未来的唯一方式,真的,你知道,走过你的目标并在大梦之后。 So I think that’s one of those conditions or traits that you really need to have. That you’re not scared to fail and you get up quicker and you don’t give up. So I think that’s really allowed me to keep going on this long journey.

Katie Trauth Taylor.(00:14:25)我爱。你能告诉我们更多关于支点和团队合作的事情吗?我注意到,在你最近的LinkedIn帖子中,你谈到了你的创业历程,你说,直到你找到了正确的团队,你才获得了成功。如果你能和我们多分享一点,在你看来,怎样才能成为一个优秀的创业团队,你们是如何利用彼此的优势的?也许你可以就你刚才描述的支点具体谈谈,或者你想在正确的团队中分享一个更广阔的视角。

克里斯·考尔菲德(00:15:00)确定。从更广泛的角度出发,你知道,现在的IntelyCare团队,我们有100多名内部员工正在破解这个过程。所以这真的是,你知道,有这么多的中心和调整,基于我们加入的新团队成员,这真的让我们成为增长最快的公司。但如果我们回到最初的创始人,大概五年前,他们还处于想法阶段。我们在做家庭护理因为我们认为这是一个很容易的切入点,你知道,出去找一个客户,这只是和一个家庭打交道而不是和一个公司打交道,你知道,和员工打交道,把这两个匹配起来。我们认为这是相对简单的我们在这方面做得比较成功。我们的公司发展得很快。但是,在这个行业中筹集资金是比较困难的,因为有很多竞争对手都在进行大型风险投资。我们有一个小而相对缺乏经验的团队,包括我和第一个联合创始人艾克·纳。所以我们尝试了一些东西。 We were actually kind of scared to dabble into new markets. But when… Once we actually brought on two additional co-founders, one being Prince Nnah, the other being David Coppins, they really came in and they looked at the business holistically and they kind of started evaluating, well, what are the type of customers [that] are out there? And then we started looking at long-term care. And it was actually the industry that my… Most of my nursing experience really came from. And we started looking at, you know, there’s you can do this on demand nursing with one client to one nurse or you could have a bigger business that needs a hundred shifts or potentially a thousand shifts. And, you know, your pool of nurses is really able to match better with that availability. And of course, there’s different types of technologies that you have to build to that. It’s not as easy as just having an app and then asking nurses to work. You’re building consistency and ratings and training. But we found that once we had our new co-founders join up and they just went out there and they just started hitting the street and finding out, is there a market fit for our product in these new and different types of businesses that were used to providing care. And what we did is we found some traction and we found some traction. The team that we brought over, you know, our chief sales officer actually had some significant experience in that market. So he was able to get in there and enter faster. And, you know, with our CEO that we brought in at that time and this was still at the early idea stage, he was able to really structure our business and bring in the additional team members around us that would make us more successful. So, you know, without… With sticking at two co-founders, I think that we were just, you know, keep on hitting our heads against the wall. But once we brought in an additional well-rounded team, that’s really what launched us off to that fast track.

Katie Trauth Taylor.(00:17:59)难以置信的是的,我认为这是非常重要的建议,这会让你感到更加紧张,如果你真的没有时间从你正在努力完成的事情中抬起头来,你就需要更安全一些。从战略上说,我们在战略上投入了大量的时间,我们投入了大量的精力去寻找和观察其他可能存在的市场战略,这就是突破性进展真正发生的地方。



Katie Trauth Taylor.(00:18:49)这对大多数创业公司来说确实是一个挑战。所以听到你们是如何驾驭这段旅程的,真的很有帮助。我想回到讲故事的话题。当你在Intelycare获得关注时,你觉得故事叙述在一开始扮演了什么角色?然后我想快进问一下,你最近一轮融资是什么感觉?这么多年来,这个故事是如何磨练和改变的?

克里斯·考尔菲德(00:19:18)确定。这个故事,至少我的创始人的故事一直都是一样的,因为我真的是一个护士,被困住了,经历了那些护士为谁留下来而争吵,照顾太多你可以安全照顾的病人。所以我认为这个故事对我来说基本上是一样的,你知道,公司真的利用了这个故事,并利用它让其他新员工兴奋地加入公司。从最初的联合创始人开始,如果没有这个故事,我们不可能说服其他联合创始人加入,因为仅仅描述一个企业是无法让人感到兴奋的。你必须理解情感上的影响,我们的愿景,我们要做什么,我们要解决什么。这背后有一个关于护士和病人的故事他们真的需要适当的护理。所以我认为从一开始找到创始人,故事就非常重要。从那里,你知道,每一次,你知道,我们公司已经成功,无论是赢得客户端来吧,加入我们的组织员工他们,会有一个背后的故事,什么类型的特点和好处,但仍然了解他们的故事,真正是他们的痛苦。而且,你知道,在你了解他们的故事之前,你是不可能真正去加入他们并与他们合作的。所以我认为故事中有很多不同的因素。 And as far as pitching for investors, that’s really the intro is you have to have an investor understand how this is working out in the real world. And what does this actually impact? And the story is how you intro any type of pitch that you’re going to present, whether it be to an investor, whether it be to your boss, whether it, you know, just to be a colleague, to really get them get them on board, to get them motivated and get them driven and have the same vision that that really what you’re trying to solve. So I think storytelling is extremely important and it’s a must have for any type of entrepreneur that wants to be successful.

Katie Trauth Taylor.(00:21:33)很重要,你有如此多的第一手体验作为一名护士,听和经历这些痛苦在调度和工作人员的短缺在个人层面上,因为它听起来像扮演了一个角色在创建的消息这拉的策略,让您的网络的护士,护理人员成长。你提到希望在他们的日程安排上有更多的灵活性或者希望不发生那种争吵或者希望从他们提供的服务中赚到一大笔钱。RAYBET雷官网所以我在想象你给护理人员讲的故事和传达的信息与客户是不同的。你能告诉我们一点关于如何——也是我感兴趣的是当你有不同的受众,而且几乎每一个创业公司或团队,当你有不同的受众,你也必须确保你告诉的故事,观众仍会产生共鸣,而不是疏远其他观众。


Katie Trauth Taylor.(00:22:39)所以你能告诉我们你是如何协商的或者是如何努力为公司传达更大的信息吗?

克里斯·考尔菲德(00:22:48)确定。我们有一个很棒的营销团队,真正的资深人士加入了这个团队,他们可以真正专注于这方面的信息。所以他们已经达到了我无法解释的高度。然而,人手不足这对护士和医疗机构,长期护理机构都有影响。他们都明白这一点。你知道,他们可能会认为,结果是完全不同的。所以从医疗机构的角度来看,人手不足,他们可能会考虑病人的治疗结果在病人的治疗结果中,他们会考虑,你知道,把病人送回医院的补偿。在当前的系统中,它们可以从CMS中获取。他们也会考虑人员流动的影响以及对整个员工的涓滴效应以及他们为安全护理提供良好人员的能力。所以,你知道,当你考虑他们的痛苦时,这是一个稍微不同的角度。 But, you know, short staffing, they understand short staffing and what it means to them. And the nurses side, the nurses and CNAs, short staffing was just like the situation that I really experienced. It’s taking on too many patients and feeling like it’s unsafe. It’s being very, very stressed out, having complex patients and not having any help from other nurses and not because the other nurses don’t want to help you. It’s just because they have their own patient load and nursing home, you know, it’s slightly different from being at a hospital. At a hospital, you might take four or five patients on as a nurse and in a nursing home you might have 15 to 20. So it’s a lot of managing and juggling and making sure you’re prioritizing appropriately. So I think the story and the pain point are the same, but how they think about how it affects themself and their business is slightly different. But, you know, you all tie it back into ultimately patient care and well-being of the staff. And everyone really understands that.

Katie Trauth Taylor.[00:25:00]我还看到你们的平台正在多元化。你们不仅提供护理人员,还培训护士,现在你们是使用率最高的COVID-19护士培训课程的创建者。雷竞技raybet提现我说对了吗?

克里斯·考尔菲德(00:25:15)是的。是的,我们完成了大约50万次,完成了50万多一点的COVID-19护士培训。雷竞技raybet提现你知道,到目前为止,我还没找到谁上过更高的利用率课程。所以这是一个惊人的创新我们真的能够在很短的时间内完成。我想是在2月份,我们开始听到护士的故事,她们说她们没有准备好,她们没有任何培训或政策来真正应对和理解COVID。雷竞技raybet提现我想全国护士联合会的调查结果确实显示了一些指标。当我们看到的时候,我真的走过来,我开始与管理团队,资深的团队,和说,嘿,我们已经建立了一些培训在过去之前,我们做了一些动画模块,快速应用在我们的应用程序的护士把这些课程没有实际需要。雷竞技raybet提现但是,你知道,我们在6个月内完成了6万项课程,这是相当令人难以置信的,我们所拥有的牵引力。所以我们的过程是创造动画模块,让它们变得有趣并具有互动性。我们有资源,因为我们有团队,真的,他们承担了这个任务并且能够快速完成。 So we buckled down, made a plan and really just, you know, worked through the nights getting this COVID-19 course and, you know, ultimately comes out to I think it’s a one contact hour course. And we were able to get it accredited and we pushed it off into the LinkedIn world, into the social media world. And what we did is we really had traction. When we asked nurses to share the course, we gave them a little message and we said, you know, share #COVID19NurseSafety as a hashtag. And nurses started sharing that with their friends and their colleagues. And we started looking at the Google tracking. And there was over 30 countries of nurses that took the course and over five hundred thousand completions. And we were able to create a little platform for facilities to sign up their nurses and to track their progress. And we had several hundred facilities even, you know, not just in the US and not just hospitals and nursing homes. We had universities and different international institutions that actually signed up their staff. And we had some great success. And we, you know, we’re looking at this as: well, if we can do this, you know, what other type of trainings can we provide out to the market of those that really need nurse training and provide an interactive form of that? So it’s super exciting. We had great success. I think we had a big impact. And now we’re kind of looking at the future and saying, what can we do next with this Nurse Education?

Katie Trauth Taylor.[00:28:01]是的。这非常令人难以置信。我只是想说,我知道我们有点开始​​。谢谢你的公司。致谢所有护理专业人员,他们是英特尔护理的一部分,所有护理专业人员都在前线或不在前线上。谢谢你所做的一切。而且我知道这一直是一个非常不可预测和前所未有的时间,我们真的不能对此感谢。当我们括起来时,你可以分享一些钥匙,因为他们将为创新者提供的成功或建议,因为他们准备传达他们的伟大想法并缩放它们?

克里斯·考尔菲德(00:28:40)当然,所以我会给你三个关键建议点。在开始任何创新或创业旅程之前,请确保您对此问题充满热情。如果您对问题的热情,您将真的致力于在50,60,60,70,70小时的工作中进行,这将需要一周的时间来让您的产品达到市场。所以有激情。其次,这是:找到一个好的导师。我们无法完整地制定它,而不会带来更多的高级人士以前。所以不管你有多激情,如果你之前还没有这样做,那么如果你带来了这样做的导师,它会变得更加容易。而第三,正如我之前提到的那样,是:你会比你成功的频率更频繁,只需准备好。这是创新的一部分。这是企业家精神的一部分。 And if you’re scared of failure, there’s no way that you’ll actually succeed.

Katie Trauth Taylor.(00:29:42)这是结束我们谈话的有力方式。克里斯,非常感谢你。我知道,在我继续从事我的业务时,我将会采取很多这些策略。我希望每个听众都能从IntelyCare的发展中得到启发。谢谢你所做的一切。


Katie Trauth Taylor.[00:30:03]听众可以从哪里了解更多关于IntelyCare和你的信息?

克里斯·考尔菲德(00:30:07)我们的网站是intelycare。com,你们可以找到我。我在LinkedIn上很活跃。我的头衔是克里斯托弗·考尔菲德,r.n. NP-C。

Katie Trauth Taylor.(00:30:20)完美的。我们还将在节目中链接Covid-19护士培训课程,并将链接到该网站,以便今年您可以雷竞技raybet提现遵循他们所有令人兴奋的增长。非常感谢你,克里斯,因为正在播客。


Katie Trauth Taylor.(00:30:37)感谢收听本周的节目。一定要在社交媒体上关注我们,并在对话中加入你的声音。你可以在Untold Content找雷竞技电竞竞猜到我们。



