Tips for Writing Government Proposals


如果你在寻找撰写政府提案的最佳实践和最佳建议,那就别再多看了。写一个提案和申请政府投标机会可能是一个恐吓你的业务增长的一部分。我们在这里提供提案写作技巧,以缓解政府采购的压力。参考our guides to writing a capability statement,communicating with government contracting officers, and赢得政府合同的秘诀to begin the research process and compile the documents your business needs to win bids. Plus check out our online course,成功的建议:小型企业公共部门成功指南.

So here are our Top 10 Tips for writing government proposals:

  1. First, be sure that you carefully read and thoroughly understand the government solicitation. By reading the solicitation materials carefully, you can get a grasp of the program office’s requirements and state that your business will meet their needs.
  2. Don’t be afraid to ask questions of the government contracting officer or program manager. Most solicitations list the contact information of the people who can answer your questions, and provide a deadline for asking questions. Be respectful of the contracting officers by submitting your questions in a formal email before the question-submission deadline. We notice that this deadline is typically 1-2 weeks before the solicitation deadline. To learn more about how to appropriately communicate with contracting officers,阅读我们关于公共部门有效沟通和网络的建议。
  3. Create a checklist of all the items that must be included in your proposal. Government solicitation requirements are usually extensive (similar to a federal grant proposal). Project planning and time management are key to successfully submitting your proposal on time! Once you’ve read the proposal carefully and posed your questions to the government representatives, create a checklist of things you must include. We recommend skimming ahead to the “Instructions for Offerors” section of the solicitation, since this is where the government clearly outlines the documents you need to submit as part of your proposal package.
  4. 请记住,提案写作是关于创建一个引人注目的案例,说明您的业务为机构的需求提供了最佳解决方案。这是你的提案中需要讲述的故事,因此请确保你的技术能力陈述清楚地满足政府提出的每一个需求。
  5. 具体性和重点是给机构留下深刻印象和提高你的建议的整体吸引力的关键。最好的方法来揭示你的具体适合一个项目是使用高度相关的例子,过去的表现。对于一些提案,政府不仅允许你分享公共部门的经验,还允许你分享行业或企业的经验。利用最吸引人、最有影响力和相关的work in your portfolio.
  6. 通过展示过去的业绩来证明你的企业取得了成功。展示你的企业做过类似的工作,这样代理机构就可以获得对你企业经验和能力的信任。
  7. Use an un-cluttered, compelling document design for your proposal. The design doesn’t have to be fancy, but you should definitely incorporate best practices in visual hierarchy, such as using distinctive fonts for your headings. Include a cover letter that overviews the proposal package contents, and consider also adding a table of contents. Overall, make sure your reader can navigate the document easily. Don’t make it hard on the contracting officer to find the information they need to determine whether your company is a great fit.
  8. Next, be sure to offer pricing that is both fair and competitive for your services. Conduct market research on the government spending that occurs in your industry in order to target the most appropriate price range. We cover this topic in depth in our online course,成功的建议:小型企业公共部门成功指南! 一定要去看看。
  9. Make sure that your final proposal is well-written and error free. Though it can be tedious, going back and editing/proofreading multiple times is crucial for eliminating grammar errors and correcting simple mistakes in your proposal.
  10. 及时性是关键。你必须按时提交你的提案,并确保所有必要的组成部分都在那里。本文件对您的企业获得政府代表的第一印象至关重要,因此请准时并注意按照招标说明包装和交付您的提交文件。

借助这些快速提示,您可以通过与政府机构共享服务和竞争性地竞标政府机会,建立对业务增长的信心。为了提升你的公共部门游戏水平,请务必查看我们的在线课程,RAYBET雷官网成功的建议:公共部门成功的小企业指南。We walk you through everything you need to know to get started finding and winning government contracts.


  1. 化身
  2. 化身

    谢谢你分享这些技巧和窍门vernment proposal writing. Your blog is really great and you provide such unique content. please keep sharing such content.

  3. 化身

    Thank you for these tips. These tips made my work more easy and effective. Writing a government proposal is not an easy job. You need an experienced team who have years for experience doing this job.


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