


我们与Fernando Ferroni博士艺术博士·麦克唐纳博士,詹尼弗·詹尼斯州“JJ”雪,教授克里斯蒂亚诺Galbiati教授,以及他们如何合作创造MVM -机械呼吸机Milano- 响应Covid-19危机。通过提供简化的,协作创新,MVM团队创造了更便宜,更多的Covid-19聚焦呼吸机,该呼吸机是在六周的历史时间框架内批准的FDA。了解如何使用呼吸机来实现这种壮举,帮助Covid-19患者和医院。随着团队分享他们如何有效创新以及未来最大的外卖。

Fernando Ferroni教授是Gran Sasso Scientitute(GSSI)的物理学教授,以及美国国家核物理研究所(INFN)前总统。他还担任CERN委员会和欧洲理事会的成员。他专注于他对实验颗粒物理学的科学研究,从而开始他的核心研究。在九十九岁的早期,他加入了塔斯坦福线性加速器中心(SLAC)的访问科学家。自2004年以来,他一直在寻找中微子的双β衰变,并在地下Gran Sasso Laboratories的实验中进行实验,他是科学期刊的几百篇文章的作者。

Art McDonald CC,O. Ont,O. N.S.,FRS,FRSC,P. Eng,是悉尼的原生,N.S.加拿大。他有达尔豪迪大学(BSC,MSC)和CALTECH(博士)和十五日荣誉度的物理学。从1969-1982起,他是AECL粉河实验室的一名研究官;1982-1989,普林斯顿大学教授;1989-2013王后大学教授,加拿大金斯敦,2006 - 2013年戈登和帕特里夏灰色椅子在粒子天体和2013年成为灰椅Emeritus。自1989年以来,他一直是萨德伯里中微子天文台(SNO)科学合作的总监。在许多奖项中,他是加拿大秩序的伴侣,2015年诺贝尔物理学奖和2007年本杰明富兰克林奖牌的联合国;2016年基础物理学突破奖和2013年与SNO合作的eps的Cocconi奖。他在Snolab地下实验室继续在中微域和暗物质的基础上积极。

Jennifer“JJ”Snow中校是五角大楼美国空军safi - a8i的AFWERX创新官。她作为军事代表技术推广之间的鸿沟和参与政府和各种技术社区改善协作和沟通,确定智能邪恶的问题的解决方案和指导未来技术的发展政策有利于美国空军,国防部跨部门和联盟伙伴。

在她当前的作业之前,Lt Col Snow是美国特殊运营指令和Sofwerx创新团队的Donovan集团创新官。她是海军研究生院的杰出毕业生。她的工作已经向国防部,IC,IC,IC和Incorgration的核心介绍了国家安全委员会,白宫和主要老年人的成员,并突出了涉及技术和技术影响的环境的紧急风险和机会。

克里斯蒂亚诺·加尔比亚提是美国新泽西州普林斯顿大学的物理学教授,也是意大利拉奎拉格兰萨索科学研究所的天体粒子物理学教授。他也是APS研究员和意大利国家原子核研究所的科学助理。他专注于太阳中微子的研究,并在意大利格兰萨索国家实验室(Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso)对暗物质进行直接搜索。他领导了全球氩暗物质合作组织,开发了其Dark side -20k暗物质实验。



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凯蒂:(00:00:04)欢迎来到Untold Stories of Innovation,在这里我们将讲述关于洞察力、影响力和创新的故事。不为人知的内容提供动力雷竞技电竞竞猜。我是主持人,凯蒂·特鲁斯·泰勒。

凯蒂:(00:00:19)今天的播客上有一群非常棒的嘉宾。JJ雪,谁是美国空军AFWERX首席技术官,首席运营官的导师项目和一个东石城七设计思维创新思想领袖跟随在LinkedIn在这里与我们一起的一个研究小组,克里斯蒂Galbiati博士,普林斯顿大学物理学教授。阿特·麦克唐纳,2015年诺贝尔物理学奖的共同获得者,因为发现了中微子振荡,表明中微子有质量。他在物理学方面发表了150多篇论文,是加拿大金斯敦皇后大学的物理学家。还有Gran Sasso科学研究所教授、罗马Sapienza大学物理学家Fernando Ferroni。非常感谢今天参加播客的所有人。






Cristiano Galbiati:[00:02:33]这是两个因素的结合。首先,偶然的原因是在疫情爆发时我被封锁在米兰。然后我决定回米兰养家糊口。第二个因素是,我们领导着——我和麦克唐纳教授——一个以识别和发现暗物质为目标的合作。事实证明,对于暗物质的发现,很大程度上取决于完成非常特殊的项目的能力,这些项目涉及到非常非常复杂的技术伪装。所以当封锁开始的时候,我自己,和我们所有人一样,只能想到这场大流行。我们在家里被封锁了,这对我们的日常活动,包括研究,是一个重大干扰。有一天我得知这个问题通风筒的非常非常重要的,但被放置在那里所有的员工在伦巴第的医院病房,这是一个早期的大流行在西方世界的中心,被取消了因为不可用(措辞不清楚)。那时我觉得我们需要做点什么。现在,有了我们拥有的专有技术,我们正在以不同的形式进行更复杂的项目。 We must put our know-how, the collective Know-How on the collaboration to use to help out in this moment of crisis. These were the two factors enabling the project.


Cristiano Galbiati:(00:04:21)我认为不是。我想说不是,但物理学家是一群好奇的人。我们系所做的是一项研究,我们称之为好奇心驱动。我们很自然地尝试和发现以前没有见过的东西并试图扩大我们的知识视野。出于这个原因,我相信这种以好奇心为导向的研究是可以建立起一群能够快速围绕研究需求旋转的人的领域。我们意识到,不是因为我,而是因为很多其他的学科,包括MacDonald教授,包括Ferroni教授,他很快就会加入我们,事实是由于流行病的发展,我们真的需要做一些不同的事情。我们需要搁置日常工作,搁置对暗物质的研究,把更广泛的合作知识投入到对社会产生更大影响的更紧迫的事情上。我们之所以能够迅速做到这一点,是因为我们从多个不同的角度引入了领导层,包括前面提到的麦克唐纳教授、美国(措辞不清)坚定主管费罗尼教授。这些让我们的合作变得非常非常紧密。多亏了美国空军的工人阶层领导和人员,这才成为现实。


艺术:麦当劳(00:06:35)如果你在一个繁星满天的夜晚观察,你会发现恒星之间区域的质量大约是恒星本身质量的五倍。我们知道这种情况是因为我们银河系中的恒星形成轨道的方式。我们不知道那是什么。它与我们在地球上的实验中见过的任何东西都不相符。我们正在尝试制造这样的粒子。我们认为,它们可能在地球上的主要加速器中,特别是在欧洲核子研究组织(CERN),构成了这种质量。这是自宇宙大爆炸以来,第一次有足够的能量。但我们知道,在大爆炸中,有足够的能量来完成它还有粒子,有剩余的粒子。我们从大爆炸开始思考。我们的目标是找到非常敏感的材料。 Put them in a deep underground laboratory where you can get the lowest background from other things because the rock shields out all the cosmic rays that strike. If you are on the surface and we look for very faint signals in large vats of liquid argon, which is particularly ideal for observing when a dark matter particle hits our detector. And we have been collaborating in that way in Italy and in Canada, in the United States and other countries for a number of years. And our major project right now is a 50 ton liquid argon detector in the Gran Sasso Laboratory in Italy. And that is what our international collaboration diverted their activities from in order to do these ventilators.


Cristiano Galbiati:(00:08:49)我认为,团队中的每个人都非常个人地感到,需要在流行病方面提供帮助。当我们开始这个项目时,我非常清楚地记得我第一次接触到几个合作者的时候。那天是3月20日。流行病尚未在美国或欧洲其他地区流行,但在意大利已经非常流行。每一个合作者都和意大利有着紧密的联系因为意大利的医疗操作者,意大利的实验室。我想说的是,他们从一开始就非常,非常支持合作一个项目,这个项目可以为意大利,美国,加拿大和其他地方的呼吸机带来一些好处。所以每个人都很喜欢这个项目,因为他们和这个项目有联系。但除此之外,从技术的角度来看还有一些非常有趣的事情。因为在这次合作中,我们确实拥有世界上最优秀的粒子物理学专家以技术的名义。还有一些人在设备的控制方面有很强的专业知识有先进的计算技术和电子控制。 And it was also the technological aspects of this challenge, that of fields that are still a variety of collaborators. And I found them also quite challenging and interesting from a technological standpoint to deliver a ventilator that has some characteristics of a truly excellent performance. So it was a combination of personal affection and personal attention to the problem of the pandemic centered care for COVID-19 patients and technological inquiries.


Fernando Ferroni:[00:11:37]好吧,如你所说,除了练习物理学之外,粒子物理学并不真正激发任何人。所以我们对做粒子物理学的艺术都是一样的,因为我们相信粒子物理学。因此,我们有机会了解更多关于宇宙的自然秩序,可以下面宇宙中的基本目标,这在我们周围很漂亮。现在我们意识到我们为学习这种粒子开发的许多应用已经证明了他们在解决社会的关键问题方面已经证明了能力。But I think that if I want to go back just because particle physics says it’s a [wording unclear] concept, something that you can not see, something that people say about what they are looking at, how they do and the key is, how they do. To understand and study finding it is extremely difficult to measure, but extremely difficult to visualize in a sense extremely difficult to understand the behavior. You need a technology which is the bleeding edge, like you need that technology as you with no something to that. That’s beyond what yesterday you were able to do. We can only do that. You cannot buy. You don’t go to the shelves of the supermarket or even a very well stocked electronic shop. And you buy the main instrument to me that you have to develop your instrument. So we are constantly fighting for a building object so that yesterday didn’t exceed that and allow us to bring a different period of understanding particle physics a bit beyond what was what yesterday. Now it’s clear that doing so some of this technology necessarily can be translated into something that’s useful to society. I want to be completely frank. It is not our first goal, not that they want a better look. They know that. I immediately think that also now I measure the Fuze particle. That we build a decent machine for making cement. That doesn’t work. Right. But you have such an ability and you have such a capital, if you want, of possible new technology. Is that often when you understand that the effect on which which is in need, not medically met is a privileged sector for application of new technology in particle physics. If you think that there is going to be the greatest answer, you think of the electron possible tomography if you need it there, you are not much easier to think so that that is something that we would have found. I mean, all these applications come from particle physics to maybe things. I have to remind you that the first application from particle physics to Edison, [unclear wording] And this was replaced with X-ray just discovered by chance. So this long history now has brought us to think that on this specific issue we do with our laboratories closed, that is because we didn’t go in and play with our toys. We found that that was a moment to get out, though, all the things that we had around and make of this problem if possible.


JJ雪:(00:16:02)真是不可思议。我不得不说,我想我们有将近400名科学家分散在7个不同的国家,大约100个不同的机构。每个人都在玩游戏。它让我想起了Linux。所以在Linux模型中,每个人都是非常扁平的,非常流线型的,夜以继日地工作来制作第一个Linux内核。他们埋头苦干。持续的反馈。好的。我们这里需要帮助。谁能帮忙? It was just such an awesome natural partnership. I mean, the people and the countries involved, these are the same partners that we’ve teamed up with across a variety of challenges in the past. And it just makes sense how we were working around the clock. The part that I work here in the US was with the FDA team, [wording unclear] and her team. And I have to say, I was so blown away because they had hundreds with solutions coming in daily, and yet they dedicated an entire team to work alongside this team and to make sure that we could move it quickly through for FDA approval. And that was accomplished in about six weeks, which is almost unheard of.


JJ雪:(00:17:10)所以看着大家都上网。我们一整天都在开会。人们共享文件,更新文件,从标签到测试和报告,确保所有东西都以正确的格式放在一起,这样我们才能继续前进。大量的热情是鼓舞人心的。每个人都想有所作为。我们认为这是一件可以帮助全球更多人口的事情,因为这个装置做得非常巧妙。小于100个分量。来源很容易。非常便宜,非常耐用。这是唯一一个有特殊冠状病毒设置的呼吸机。 So we can address those unique respiratory complexities. And here it is ready in a matter of weeks because people were working around the clock to make that difference. Very selfless. So a lot of selflessness is seen in the actions of all of the scientists that came together to make this happen. And they didn’t sleep. I remember talking to Art and Cristiano and sometimes it would be the middle of night, you know, either in Canada or over in Italy. And if we had to jump on a call, we did, or it would be the first thing in the morning or late in the afternoon and everybody just let it happen. No excuses. Just pulling together. It was very cool.



Fernando Ferroni:[00:18:55]看,我想真诚地,非常坦诚。在屏幕前,我在生命中度过了很多。屏幕用螺丝刀将其固定,修复了它的背面的问题。然后毕竟奖励,比花了一晚想你正在做某事,这对某人来说真的很重要。我的意思是,即使 - 不仅是因为我的意思是,毕竟,我们住在一个国家,以便还有其他方式。最终我认为我可以去呼吸者,你可以在某个地方找到一些说法,可能没有一些愚蠢的死亡。但思考你所做的事情,它可能有利于我们的国家和更多的人,以便更多地获得设施的方式。[不清楚的措辞]分配我认为这一点你不认为它不是凌晨3点还是下午3点,而不是。这并不重要。你现在想经过并进入项目。 OK, thank you very much for this comment.


Fernando Ferroni:[00:20:12]聊天一直很棒。

艺术:麦当劳[00:20:14]所以我会发表评论,Cristiano在他开始该项目后三四天就联系了我。当然,我们已经在其他项目中密切合作。我立即联系了加拿大国家实验室的负责人,胜利和粉笔河和萨德伯里,在那里我们在我们自己的机构做了地下科学和一个研究所。从实验室的负责人就有立即回应。But more so when they said we’ll devote our teams to doing this on the part of the teams themselves in the sense that they were realizing that they could use skills that they had to make a contribution to this COVID-19 crisis in a situation where they previously had been feeling somewhat helpless, in fact. In a really world affecting situation. And so they really have been in Canada, Italy and the United States. All of the people working on the project have been selfless, as Jen [JJ] said, in their approach to it, and it’s entirely nonprofit on the part of all of the institutions. It’s a humanitarian effort that is being taken universally to do something to help with the COVID crisis. And that that motivation has led to a very, very welcoming collaboration in terms of who can do this “oh I can” “fine, please do it for us” sort of spirit. And Cristiano’s leadership has been essential to all of this. And it’s been really a great experience, still is a great experience as we move towards the actual supply for the world, we hope.


Cristiano Galbiati:(00:22:34)这是比较容易的部分,因为我们的日常工作就是协调团队。它随领地而来。我们已经这么做了好几年了。我们正在做它。我们所有人,很多人,来自阿特和他在过去几年做这项工作的共同领导。这是简单的部分。让每个人都有条理。我想说的是,让每个人都有动力,这不是工作的一部分,因为每个人都非常非常有动力。


Cristiano Galbiati:(00:23:08)当然有技术困难。有很多文化挑战,因为我们中没有人作为物理学家,你知道一个好奇心的驱动企业必须证明医疗产品。现在我们通过了一个导致我们为这些人引用的价值产生了非常重大的升值的过程,不仅可以建立伟大的乐器,而且能够拯救生命,但它们也受到极其严格的过程of certification whose scope and breadth was… I would say impossible for me to imagine before we entered into this enterprise, and it’s opening up new horizons, a new perspective also for me as a researcher.





Cristiano Galbiati:(00:25:40)我认为这也是一个发现和适应的过程。我们提出了一些被证明是正确的想法比如在系统中药物分配的一般概念上。我们加入了另外一些想法,这些想法被证明是幼稚的。当我们第一次走进蒙扎的医院时,他们告诉我们,“噢,这些限压阀做得很好,”所以我们基本上已经有了水的腐败。他们想要最好的。我们可以选择它们。你知道,你不可能让现代模型在大学董事会周围来回穿梭,每个人都在快速移动,然后把它们撞倒。所以,是的,显然有一些东西我们没有准备好。我认为这需要很多的灵活性,适应性和谦逊,因为我们正在进入不属于我们的领域。我们需要准备好根据我们在现场发现的情况来改变想法。 So there were a lot of adaptations during this process. Clearly, the strongest difficulties came when we came out of the validation of the general concept and to go into the process of guaranteeing that this was not only a tool to play with in an underground laboratory, but needed to be a real product that was fully certified following very rigorous and extremely detailed international standards. This was a completely different game, not one that I personally had never entertained to play with in my professional life before. And I think it was a very gratifying experience and something that certainly strengthens my understanding of physics and also the relationship with technology.



艺术:麦当劳(00:27:52)也就是和制造商的关系。因为克里斯蒂亚诺在意大利和Elamaster有关系,我们发展了这种关系。在加拿大和他们的合作公司,维克斯加拿大,也在美国做同样的工作。美国的Elamaster也参与其中。但由于很早以前就与制造商合作,我们开始学习将一个想法转化为最终制造产品的所有必要元素。供应链问题:你真的能从世界各地获得零件以快速完成这项工作吗?可靠性呢?你呢?你希望它进入医院,不需要经常服务。所有我们有优势的事情,在克里斯蒂亚诺的情况下,直接。 He was in the Elemaster facilities in Italy doing this development and we have had a close relationship with our companies: Vexos and JMP here in Canada. And that’s helped us a lot in moving this forward in a rapid way, because, for example, it’s Elemaster that has the approval of the FDA. That’s the way it works. It’s the final manufacturer that gets regulatory approval. So that closeness and Cristiano’s work with them – Cristiano and his teams – work with them. In addition to the medical was what gave us a real advantage in the speed with which this was done.


Cristiano Galbiati:(00:30:02)因此MVM确实是一个开放式访问项目。我会将它分类为开放访问而不是开源。项目之间存在根本差异。如果您查看产品设计的结构,无论是自学还是向后,四个不同步骤的缺陷。这就是确定您正在尝试解决和要求的问题,在那里的所谓要求。然后有先进的概念设计的步骤。然后有详细的工程实施步骤。最后,这种类型的认证。前两个步骤是最重要的步骤,确定您正在尝试解决的问题。确定一般要求并提供先进的概念设计。 If we were dealing with a pattern, those two elements would constitute the equivalent of a [unclear wording], OK? So what we decided immediately, and I think it was the right decision, is that we will not [unclear wording] and we will put it in the public domain. These two steps. This was essential because only in this fashion, we could work truly freely with the other researchers and attract the critical mass of people to work on this project. So these are – we are making it open access and accessible to everyone. When it comes to the other two steps, which are detailed engineering and certification, our determination is that it’s best to leave these two steps in the hands of the companies. And it cannot be any one company because you’re not dealing with a tool that is a toy, OK?


Cristiano Galbiati:(00:31:55)您正在处理一家凭借其生命的医疗设备。因此,这些医疗设备只能由经过认证的电子医疗设备建造者的公司构建。根据ISO,九千个程序的数据有资格。这尤其可以安全地构建,可以部署可以认证的产品。因此,我们相信我们已经向社会提供了服务,使我们的研究提供了可用的。作为一群研究人员,我们无法承担的是责任,即直接负责项目的详细工程或项目认证。这是由构建的公司承担的东西。我保证您为了达到该认证,您真的需要强大的骨干,以便提供您必须匹配的骨干。



Cristiano Galbiati:(00:33:35)我会给你一个。完全正确。我会给你一个号码,好吗?3月份买的呼吸机。平均成本超过三万五千欧元。


Cristiano Galbiati:(00:33:49)在此基础上,意大利政府正在为另外5000台机组的设计准备呼吸过程。但是已经预留的预算相当于每台37500欧元。这是一个惊人的价格。MVM单位的生产成本将是这个成本的非常非常有限的一部分。这不是我的职责,因为我不是任何公司或代表,不能透露这些数字。但你也见过一台用于紧急情况下的被抑制的呼吸机,其价格确实低于10,000美元的上限,即使在美国也是如此。我们的设备被设计成最便宜的。同时,要给予极大的建议,为病人的护理提供解决方案。它不是一个基因呼吸机。这个呼吸机是由世界各地的医生和麻醉师共同设计的,特别是隆巴迪的病房里收治了很多冠状病毒感染的患者,在项目的早期就让我们印象深刻,对这些病人护理的具体需要或要求是什么。 So the unit was designed exactly around those principles and following those specific guidelines.


Cristiano Galbiati:(00:36:05)很不幸,你引用的数据是正确的。重症监护室里的人和病人。不管怎样,他们很有可能什么都通不过。这是一个非常非常悲伤的部分。尽管我们提供了精心的护理和最好的护理。致死率极显著。但也就是说,好吧,如果你不提供呼吸机,致死率要高得多。这几乎是必然的。


Cristiano Galbiati:(00:36:41)因此,如果您想挽救最终在重症监护手册单元的人们的生命,呼吸机是一个非常重要的工具。也就是说,呼吸机必须是安全的。现在,首先,我们必须避免战斗创伤。现在,我们已经有报道的单位导致战场尖刺压力受损肺组织。肺部是一个非常非常精致的物体。你必须有一个强大的呼吸机,但肺部非常温柔和善良。您还必须具有具有非常特殊特性的单位,因为通用麻醉呼吸机不一定为照顾需要为长期ARDS - 急性呼吸窘迫综合征而受到关心的患者。想想一般麻醉呼吸机。这些是在手术手术过程中为患者提供的机器,然后允许它的醒着案例或觉醒。在我们的情况下,您的患者仍在镇静日。 For weeks. And when they try to wake up…they’ve completely lost the ability to be independent in the respiratory act because the muscles of the [unclear wording] and the abdomen, of the diaphragm, are so weakened by these very long sedations. So you need to have a machine that is powerful and that allows for a total weaning of the patients by having a pressure cycle that is very controlled and at the same time is able to respond to the patients need of seeing supported and incipient respiratory act that they are not able to complete a little.


凯蒂:(00:39:55)绝对的。你能和我们分享一下吗? JJ,也许你对这个问题也有自己的见解。MVM的下一步是什么?这是经过FDA批准的。未来几周和几个月我们应该期待什么?

JJ雪:(00:40:13)我们开始做的一件事就是向那些最需要帮助的地区伸出援手。例如,我们和非洲各地的一些创新者谈过,他们告诉我们,他们不仅没有医疗设施,很多情况下,他们甚至没有呼吸机。我们现在有13个不同的国家已经确认他们没有呼吸机。他们没有受过培训的人员。在大城市以外的特定地区,他们甚至可能没有权力让这些工作发挥作用。所以我们一直在努力想办法,怎样才能快速生产这些设备并把它们送到最需要它们的国家手中。东南亚的部分地区、中东和拉丁美洲的部分地区也是如此。团队在设计上考虑得非常周到。很直观的使用手册非常用户友好的和详细地一步一步一步走过,当我看它时,我甚至觉得好像没有医疗经验,如果我面对不得不使用其中一个设备或操作这些设备之一,我可以按照说明书成功地做。 And that speaks volumes right there. The training has to be easy. It has to be very clear. And it’s got to be something that translates well across languages. And I think the team did an incredible job in capturing that. The other part was, as Art mentioned, talking with a variety of industry partners and figuring out how to leverage existing supply chains, logistics chains to move devices from producers into those consumers that need them the most. And then the final part, of course, was that low cost and the ease of sparing and the fact that they are very durable, in many of these countries, they don’t have a lot of money to spend. So for them, they need a device that’s economical. It’s got to be easy to use and it’s got to be something that they can rapidly acquire, especially as COVID begins to move into some of these other areas, as we start to see those booms really, really take off across the board. I think that team was very thoughtful about all of this. And then the engagement with the industry partners, that was really amazing. Elemaster was fantastic. I was blown away by the level to which they went and did all of the testing to ensure that we had the appropriate certifications and met the right ISO standards to the point where when the emergency use authorization package went forward, many of the tasks that we saw Elemaster complete for the device were at or above what the requirement was. And now moving forward, I’m really excited to see the team working on a permanent FDA approval, which means following COVID-19, these devices will be available for purchase and will be available to continue supporting populations around the globe. If you look at where COVID is today, even with, you know, finding a vaccine and a treatment in the next 18 to 24 months, rolling that out is going to be a process, which means we’re going to be dealing with this for the foreseeable future. So we have to have a layered approach to make sure that we’ve got the right parts and pieces in place to support the global population. This is a global problem. It’s a borderless problem. And we have to treat it as such and things like that and all come together around it. Yeah, I think the team was fantastic in that aspect. And we’ve had so many industry partners come alongside this whole system. Salesforce, Rootstock, [Unclear wording] International, Statler, Vexos, Elemaster… Just amazing. Dedicating their time, opening their platforms for free, helped us to find resources for components that were hard to find. And they didn’t have to do any of that. But they did because this is a global problem. But they also acknowledged the fact that they’re part of that global community. And that’s the part that I walked away from being really inspired by how that’s the lesson that came from all of us, was this is how we rapidly address challenges in a crisis, especially a crisis that’s impacting everybody. And that was really neat to see.


JJ雪:(00:44:57)我的天啊。这是其中一个叙述。这是那些表现出来的人的力量之一,没有被困在一起。“不,”或“我们不能”或“我们以前从未这样做过。”但我认为向前途径。当我们与他们谈话或被称为蓝色时,没有一个人,说:“不,我们无法帮助。”。或者“以前从未完成过。”每个人都说,“我们怎样才能帮忙?让我们做这项工作。让我们弄清楚如何为每个人提供这一点。“ The big takeaway from this is the science, the creativity, the passion of these people coming together and learning and teaching and helping each other. That’s what we need more of right now. And that was the part that really got me excited, because this model, this model tends to reignite how we work around the globe, how we reignite our economy, how we come together between nations as partners. There’s a really significant lesson to be learned here based on the interactions and the teaming and the fact that we took the red tape. We got rid of the barriers. There were no egos. Nobody cared about who was getting credit. It was just how can we do this for the better of humanity? And what does that look like? And when that happens and you have a team that it doesn’t matter, you know, we’re just going to get it done. That’s when amazing things like this happen. And I was truly humbled and proud to be a small part of this project.



Cristiano Galbiati:(00:47:27)对我来说,了解研究的故事以及它的基石,就是开放、透明和共享的重复形成。如果我们能赢得这场战斗那是因为我们是彼此的翅膀。早期犯了很多错误。我们已经看到了病毒起源的情况。对科学家报告的压制。缺乏信息交流,导致疾病的传播超出了疾病源头的必要范围。这是一种错误的方法。当疫情在意大利蔓延时,我们向我们在美国、加拿大、法国、西班牙和其他许多国家的合作伙伴寻求帮助,这是非常令人振奋的。每个人都觉得有必要以一种非常开放的方式工作,没有边界,国家之间的边界没有出现。这项研究是真正国际化的,真正开放的,没有国界的,以光速在互联网的纤维上进行。 Ours is a very small building block in a much more complex story. But if you have to win the coronavirus. Research has to prevail in this fashion.



Cristiano Galbiati:[00:49:32]谢谢你。





