Kate Maxwell博客头


“我们的焦点绝不是技术。这总是关于人们,因为他们是创新故事的核心。“-Kate Maxwell,Raytheon Technologies的技术总监和创新领导者



Kate Maxwell爆头

Kate Maxwell是Raytheon Technologies的技术总监和创新领导者。她将Raytheon的使命是商业,军事和政府实体的航空航天和国防公司。作为全球企业倡议的创始人,凯特燃料在组织内所有职能和劳动成绩的创新。她充当技术领导者,公众演讲者,创新者,开拓创新的大门,扩大工程增长领域。



这一集由Untold内容的创新讲故事供电雷竞技电竞竞猜雷竞技raybet提现。在这种沉浸式和互动的故事驱动的经验中增加购买。您的团队在哪个讲故事技术的最新项目,原型和投票 - 并通过25个史诗般的创新故事的史诗例子来启发。了解更多https://undoldcontent.com/innovationstorytelling雷竞技raybet提现Trinning-2/

凯蒂:欢迎来到创新的不陈述故事,在那里我们扩大了洞察力,影响和创新的解开故事。由无国界的内容提供支持雷竞技电竞竞猜,我是您的主人,Katie Trauth Taylor。我们今天的客人是凯特麦斯威尔。她是雷神智力和空间的技术总监和创新领导者。她是一个令人难以置信的创新领导者,她的背景中的工程师,她是一位成功的技术领导者。凯特,我今天非常感谢你在播客上。



凯特:当然。所以我是一位通过交易的计算机科学家。我认为当我还是个孩子时,我对计算的兴趣开始了。我是80年代的孩子,我的父母在早期在一个上午64家中回家 - 我知道我在这里约会。但在家里,你知道,也许很多孩子都不会鼓励修补并尝试事物和破坏东西,特别是在技术方面可能有些昂贵。我的父母总是采取的,你知道吗?去,去享受它。去尝试新事物。如果你打破它,这没什么大不了的。我们将在一起搞清楚。 And I think that that instilled in me not only this love of computing, but kind of this fail forward mentality where I wasn’t afraid to try new things. And so —


凯特:绝对地。而且我是一个人格。所以这么混乱的事情也很难。我家里有两个小男孩。我们每天都在争吵。但 -


凯特:天啊。是的。但我认为重要的是真的关于这个过程和努力。正确的。你每次都不要这样做。我只是,我希望我的孩子试试。所以我和那种心态一起长大,它在我的职业生涯中给了我。我将计算机科学作为本科。我来雷神不可龙不知道它是一个工程师或在航空航天和防御中的工作。但我有惊人的导师和冠军,谁在路上帮助了我。 And, you know, especially as I started to get into the research and development world, maybe halfway through my career — I’m in 16 years now, so, you know, six, seven, eight years into my career — I started working with research and development. And I was surrounded by people who absolutely bought into that fail forward mentality. And they encouraged me to try new things and to bring forward big ideas even when they seemed crazy. And I’m a big believer that creativity is contagious. So it’s just been amazing to work in that environment surrounded by other people that are just big thinkers.


凯特:是的,绝对。所以这真的是我最喜欢的我职业生涯。我们称之为 -


凯特:迄今为止。但是还有很多东西要来。是的。因此,当我在研发中工作时,我是我们业务之一的研发投资组合的流程和执行。这是什么意思,我基本上是研发主任的右手女性。你知道,我监督我们的项目预算。我的工作是打破存在的研究障碍,无论是供应链还是流程,或者它可能是什么。我在那里有助于确保主要调查人员在他们的研究中取得成功。因此,就像我这样做,我正在学习有效的工作,以及如何涉及研究和开发环境,以及一个有利于创新的环境。所以我们观察到的是,你知道,我们是一家大公司。 The business I was serving had about sixteen thousand people in it. But it seemed like it was the same handful of folks that brought forward ideas for new R&D projects every year. And so we thought, you know, surely in a business of this size, with this many brilliant people — across all functions, not just engineering — there must be other ideas out there. How do we capture those and help people advance them and accelerate them inside of the corporate environment? So we took this idea and we put together kind of a business case or a pitch that we shared internally. And we were looking for like ten thousand dollars to start, just to stand up this virtual organization to help accelerate and inspire and empower innovation. So we got our 10 grand. We started hosting innovation challenges and pitch events and sharing this message of innovation with our people inside the company. And it just caught fire. I mean, truly, I think that it resonated with our workforce in a way that even we didn’t anticipate. So we grew this organization into a multimillion dollar global innovation engine that served not just our business, but really the enterprise. And we hosted international innovation roadshows to share stories and inspire people to innovate, you know, at our landed companies around the globe. It was just amazing. And the organization continues to this day. I’ve transitioned it onto one of my mentees who now leads it. And it’s just been a fabulous experience. And I’ve been so gratified to see how many amazing stories of innovation have come out of it.


凯蒂:And the incredible thing is — and I want to definitely drill down a little more into the messaging and what worked, what was sticky, especially in the beginning — but what’s incredible to me about that is, whatever that messaging was, it transformed the culture. It made individuals who maybe hadn’t been part of the innovation roadmap in the past, it helped them to see themselves as being part of that or having the potential to be part of that. And that’s what I think is so incredible about internal innovation challenges and the storytelling and the messaging that’s so critical to getting that off the ground. And part of it — it sounds to me — is really about transforming how people see themselves so that everyone in an enterprise can say, yes, you know what, my ideas are valued and valuable and I have a medium by which to share them. And innovation is not just something that is siphoned off to the upper echelon or the few inside the company.

凯特:是的,你完全正确。我认为,我们从一开始就把重点放在员工上,但正如你所说的,让创新,让公司内部的每个人都能参与研发。你知道,很多时候,我认为大的公司机构依靠他们的技术组织和他们的工程人员来想出下一个伟大的想法。但是好主意来自四面八方。所以这是我们从一开始就真正推动的事情。我们必须弄清楚如何降低创新的门槛。正确的。我们只需要一个Penta图表,而不需要一份多页的白皮书,深入到如何实现某个东西的技术层面。告诉我们你的想法是什么。告诉我们会有什么不同。 Put together a super high level business case for why the business should care about this and try and quantify or articulate the impacts if you can. But you don’t have to be a deep subject matter expert to put those things on paper. And so by encouraging that rather than, you know, that multi-page white paper, like I said, we saw ideas come in from all functions inside of the company. And some amazing ideas were implemented by folks maybe in, you know, supply chain or contracts or finance, who didn’t necessarily have the technical know-how to go make it a reality. But they had this idea that had business value and could make a difference for our customers. So our job really was to inspire and empower people to innovate no matter where they were in the business. And I think that’s ultimately what made us successful.

凯蒂:最后,最终改变了研发和工程师的人们的心态,你知道,我的工作不仅仅是这里是最好的主意发生器 - 和执行者。我的工作现在是一个强大的合作者。

凯特:哦,绝对是。我认同。我认为,你知道,这是文化变革还是文化转变。在许多技术组织中,您的工程组织有点持有所有权力或所有重量或所有克劳堡,以便说话。但我们知道,以多种功能集成的产品为导向的团队,这就是你真正获得思想的多样性。所以我们汇集了很多IPTS,或综合产品团队,您将在产品周围定位,但您从各地都占据了这些想法。我认为,人们肯定通过这个过程更多地了解他们的同事。正确的。突然间,您开始分解在高批量组织内部存在的那些功能的稳芯。但我们也看到了这些产品团队的更好的想法和更好的结果。 So that was absolutely key to our success.


凯特:是的,所以我想 - 我有一支小组的人,我正在早日在这个过程中工作,他们很神奇,他们应该得到所有的信誉,让这件事成为现实。但他们可能厌倦了我说,伙计们,我们的第一份工作在这里是为了保持这件事。你知道,一旦我们在这个创新组织上获得领导,我们就有资金加速并孵化了新的想法,我们有一个沟通预算和运营,并使这件事运行,我们不得不保留它销售。你知道,我们不能在这个开始时沟通一次,然后安静并专注于这些项目。我们不得不不断分享成功案例。然后也是失败的故事。你知道,我是一个大的信徒,如果你打算在企业环境里面创造那种文化,你为人们创造了风险和失败的空间,你也必须分享失败的故事。所以我们实际在雷神技术内部工作的事情之一正在播放播客,我们呼叫脸上的棕榈星期五,在那里我们分享了一些没有那么好的东西。无论是研究和开发项目还是转型倡议,也可能是一个主要计划。但那么关键是,你从中学到了什么? Right.








凯特:是的。所以我们就像我说,我们使用了许多不同的Comms机制来获得故事。所以我们有一个内部内部网 - 非常像大多数大公司环境,你知道,实体。因此,我们经常在那里分享故事,我们常客挑战我们想要遍布群体的想法 - 因为我是一个信徒,你不能在真空中创新。但如果你给人们一个问题或客户痛点,他们突然他们可以开始思考,我们可以解决哪些方法?因此,我们分享了这些故事 - 客户挑战,创新,挑战主题。我们分享了成功的故事 - 关于这些挑战导致的思想和创新 - 也是由于我们的创新者因承担这些风险而导致的职业生长而导致的职业生涯增长。我们有一些人因为参与创新而在兴奋地注射兴奋和加速进入他们的职业生涯。所以我们想确保这些故事被听到,因为那么人们可以说,如果他们能够做到,那么他们看到这种好处,好吧,那么我应该考虑参与。所以我们这样做了。 We went on lots of road shows. Like I said, you know, this was pre-COVID environment, so we could still travel. So I was jumping on planes frequently, giving presentations, trying to share this message of excitement and passion around innovation and really why this makes a difference in the world and why it makes a difference for people, specifically. Our focus here was never about technology. It was always about people because they’re central to that innovation story. And then also, I would say, I think that when we’re communicating as innovators and technologists, I think we’re used to being in transmit mode, but we need to be in receive mode as well. And I’ve heard a few of your guests from prior podcasts talk about design thinking and the importance of leading with empathy and understanding and asking questions. That is so true. I mean, that’s really how you find that product market fit, right? An idea is just an idea unless you can find that transition path to reality and why it’s needed in the world. So we tried to teach stories of design thinking, getting paired with customers so that you can understand their challenges and pain points, because that’s truly where great ideas come from. By solving those sorts of things. So, yeah, lots of communication. And it was bi-directional. Right. We never wanted it to be a one way story.



凯蒂:但是你所说的是,作为对话的方法,确保你有时尝试一些创意动作,看看有什么作用和什么不起作用。也许甚至告诉听众,我在这里尝试。这是故事A和这是这里的故事B.在我们的团队最近,我们已经 - 当我们谈论我们现在正在尝试创造的一些创新产品时,我们一直在互相促销两次球场的机会。所以我们会说,好的,我会第一次尝试。好的,倒带。当我推动这个时,我会尝试一下完全不同的方式。并互相允许在开始时锁定并完美地锁定。它有点让我想起了我们的谈话开始,可以让一点点混乱才能成长和学习。

凯特:这是正确的。是的。你描述的是焦点小组模型。你可以向你想要接触的群体或观众测试某些信息。我对此深信不疑。我的职业是工程师,就像我说的,我在设计思考或沟通方面没有很多经验,至少没有正式的经验。但最近,每当我创造一些新东西时,即使是关于业务内部的创新,比如说我们尝试执行的新业务模式或流程。我会采取焦点小组的方法我会采访我的选民,你知道,不管用户是谁。我们将把用户角色放在一起,阐明他们关心的是什么,他们的痛点是什么,他们的职业发展方向是什么。然后,如果你能想出如何在这些用户或利益相关者周围构建创新和你的沟通方法,我认为它会更加强大。 And you’re a heck of a lot more likely to have that message received in the way that you want it to be received. So, yeah, I love the focus group approach.





凯特:你知道,我们正试图弄清楚如何将敏捷和DevSecOps嵌入到我们的过程中,这不仅仅是你的开发过程。它正在改变你做生意的方式。所以我认为在过去的几个月里,我们一直在关注如何与我们的领导人沟通并得到领导层的支持。但我们没有做好的是如何将这些信息传达给我们的员工,这些员工的日常生活将会受到这些项目新方法的影响,他们正在开发产品,并将产品卖给我们的客户。所以我们必须重新思考,弄清楚,这些人到底在乎什么?你知道,他们可能不会像我们的商业领袖那样为股东创造价值。但他们来雷神是因为他们相信我们的使命。有些人是战士。他们理解我们的客户每天所经历的痛苦,因为在某些情况下,那就是他们。正确的。 So we reframed this story around digital transformation in a way that resonated with our workforce. Whereas, you know, this is about pushing innovation to the field and to the war fighters in cycles of days and weeks and months instead of decades, like we’re used to in the, you know, the defense and intelligence community. And that resonated because our people saw the value that it was going to create for our customers. And they also saw value in the way that they would be doing their jobs at Raytheon. Right. They wouldn’t be encumbered by some of these unwieldy processes of old. But it created a more agile environment where they can really focus on value added capabilities and the things that they and our customers care about. And as soon as we figured out how to reframe that message in a way that wasn’t just dollars and cents, you could see the light bulbs going off because people were like, I am all in on this, absolutely, yes, we need this. So I think that’s important. You have to consider all of the audiences you’re trying to reach, you know, when you put your communication together.


凯特:我们所做的。是的。我想和大家分享一个我最近亲身经历的故事。所以我经常出差,至少在新冠肺炎之前是这样。所以我们经常来到华盛顿特区,因为那里是我们许多客户和他们的运营中心。所以我和顾客们度过了漫长的一天。我住的酒店就在华盛顿特区外的泰森斯角,我正要进电梯的时候看到一个服务生转过拐角拿着一件西装外套,上面有个标签。作为一名工程师,我喜欢数据。我看了标签,上面写着马蒂斯。我想,马蒂斯将军是不是就在大楼里? Probably, we’re right outside D.C. And the next thing you know, who rounds the corner and gets on the elevator with me but General James Mattis, the former Secretary of Defense. And so for me, working in the defense community, I thought, I don’t often get opportunities like this. Do I say something or do I not? So he looked at me and said hello. And I thought, well, he seems friendly, what the heck? And so I took that moment — you know, we only had like 10 stories in this elevator that we were traveling. But I gave my elevator speech actually in an elevator for a change. And I said, General Mattis, sir, it’s an honor and a privilege to meet you. You know, I’ve long admired your leadership style and thank you for your service to this nation and everything that you’ve done for the defense and intelligence community. And he asked my name and what I do. And I said, I’m Kate Maxwell, I’m an engineer with Raytheon Technologies. And he said, Raytheon, I can’t tell you how many times you’ve saved my life and the lives of my people out in the field. Thank you for your service. And that was such a powerful moment for me. And I took it back and shared it with my team because that thank you wasn’t for me. That thank you was for our entire workforce. What we do every day makes a difference. And we were able to send some of our troops home to their families because of the work that we do. So we have to remember that. I think it’s easy to get bogged down in the execution and the day-to-day challenges with working programs and process change and all of these things. But we do what we do because we want to make a difference in the world. And it’s those stories that need to be shared. Right. So that was just one example that was really powerful for me personally. And it kind of reset my thinking and made me remember why I go to work every day. We’ve had lots of great stories recently, too, around COVID. I think Raytheon Technologies, like many other big companies, we have manufacturing lines and resources that can be committed to the fight against COVID. And so we’ve seen many of our plants retool their manufacturing line to help create, you know, PPE to help save and support our frontline workers in the fight against COVID. We’ve retooled our manufacturing lines to produce some things that many hospitals and medical facilities need right now, that there’s a gross shortage of and supply chain issues the world over. And we’ve also seen an innovation challenge around the fight against COVID, where some amazing technologies have come out of it related to contact tracing, how to do thermal scanning at scale, you know, for ports and for airports and for workplaces. And these sorts of things make a difference. And they’re not necessarily core to the defense and intelligence work that we do. But it’s the same mission about making the world safer so that we can all enjoy the freedoms that we all have right now. So those sorts of innovation stories are so powerful and we have to share them because, like I said, we need to remember why we go to work every day and tie it to that mission and a greater purpose.

凯蒂:我听到你分享关于一般Mattis的第一个故事的寒意。感谢您的分享。以及了解您所做的工作的重力是多么精彩的荣誉和时刻。然后我认为责任也是在一个组织层面建立在这种社会使命上,我们全部专注于现在的帮助是如此强大。而且,你知道,我认为像雷神一样的组织已经站起来说,我们不仅仅是为了像往常一样继续进行运营。我们必须考虑我们的角色以及我们如何利用我们的资源在这一次帮助他人。我想到这一领导力以及领导决定是多么有危险和有效程度。而且我也想到了 - 你知道,每个人都在雷神,这是一个简单的解决方案,嘿,让我们在一起的共同目的在一起,让我们不要让那一刻通过我们。You know, I think when you lean into your employees’ passions and to their, you know, the problems that we’re all facing together as a society, that that’s going to propel more energy for every other business-focused initiative you also have because they’re showing up to work with an even greater purpose. You know, I just — I find that to be very powerful. It reminds me of some of the social mission work that our team has been leaning into at Untold. And the way that I’ve seen us, you know, staking a claim in what we believe about racial injustice, for instance. It’s just energized my employees and our teams to give more passion to every project, not just the ones where we’re tackling issues of race. And so that sort of ability to really think about the mission and what motivates people and pull on it so that — I don’t think that business is lost to those moments. I think it can motivate and bring more productivity to every area that actually results in immediate or direct business growth, too.

凯特:我完全同意。就像你说的那样,它是一个强大的动机。你知道,现在有很多人偷了倦怠的边缘。正确的。我们正在努力 - 我们一直燃烧蜡烛。我们正在照顾我们的家人和我们的朋友和我们的工作。我们正在家里工作,我们正在努力,你知道,支持我们的孩子在电子学习中。这都是这些东西。那就是很多。这很沉重。 It’s a heavy burden to carry. But if you remember what your purpose is as a human and why you do what you do every day, you know, it keeps you going. It keeps you moving forward. And I think that companies have an obligation to make sure that they continue communicating their values and their mission and get their people engaged in that. That’s how I combat burnout. You know, if I’m still excited about what I do every single day, at some point, it almost doesn’t even feel like work. So that kind of protects my mental state during tough times like this. And we owe that to our employees to give them something that they care about and make them understand that they are a huge part of that mission.


凯特:当然,是的。所以我经常和工程师和技术专家讨论,如果你提出了一个想法,你要如何沟通才能让别人接受并接受?我认为有时候工程师或高技术人员很难用外行人的语言来表达想法。正确的。所以我会挑战人们,如果你是创新者或技术专家,你可能很难用外行人能理解的语言来表达。找一个善于沟通的人,和他们合作,或者把他们当作导师,因为他们会真正帮助你的想法发光发亮,获得认可。这就像我们之前说过的,不要故意把自己和外界隔绝,而是要创建这些多样化的,综合的团队,这些团队有不同的思想,你可以利用很多人的技能来增强你和你的想法。我还想对这些人说,不要隐藏你的激情。无论你内心有什么闪光点,围绕你的想法或工作的热情和兴奋,都要与世界分享。因为这能让更多的人兴奋。 I think as a STEM professional right now, especially as a woman in STEM, it’s my job to share my excitement about my career path and my career field with the next generation. We have a STEM shortage in this country, which, coming from the defense industry, that creates a national security challenge. Right. We will not have enough STEM professionals in the next generation that can get security clearances unless we act right now. So it is my job as a STEM professional to communicate to the next generation how they can make a difference in the world through a career in engineering or technology or math or science. And we need to communicate that broadly. So to the other STEM professionals out there, you know, get involved in sharing that story, share what inspires you every day. And Katie, to you and your team, thank you for sharing these stories and amplifying stories of innovation across a number of different industries and domains. It makes such a huge difference. And I’m so excited by this messaging.

凯蒂:你知道,我想搭载你的电话,世界的作家,世界的沟通者,不要害羞的科学,技术,工程和数学科目。与工程师合作。与科学家合作。与临床医生合作。和惊人的结果会发生。我用这种信念形成了这家公司,而且我刚刚看着魔法发生。我想,你知道,显然我有一个英国文学背景,我也有很多爱文学的朋友。但是,我们可以使用这么多的方式,我们可以利用我们在研究文学的那些日子里了解的那些激情和同理心建筑,以将其应用于今天世界的任务,包括提升和帮助人们了解科学和技术,或帮助激励人们加入那些字段。所以有很多工作要做。 Kate, this has been such a wonderful conversation. Thank you for sharing these stories and sharing your experiences with all of our listeners. I appreciate you.



凯特:是的,所以看着LinkedIn,Kate Maxwell的LinkedIn,带有Raytheon Technologies。我总是很乐意继续在那里谈话。我刚刚欣赏,再次,你把它放在世界里。我喜欢这个话题的能量和热情。我还应该注意,我是一个英国文学小伙子,所以,耶,英语点燃。









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