


为了充分利用您的在线潜力,我们强烈建议您的组织创建一个品牌板的设计(我们在这篇文章中解释)和一个愿景品牌板。At Untold Content, we call these Brand Design Boards andBrand Vision Boards。In this post, we’ll discuss the five elements of a brand board for design, share an example, and provide一个免费可下载的品牌板模板您可以用来启动您的视觉品牌设计。作为您品牌旅程的一部分,您还应该查看我们创建A的建议Brand Vision Board。如果您已准备好接受下一级别,请退房rayapp0 and预订内容战略会话与我们的专家团队!

The Purpose of a Brand Board



Brand boards can contain many different things. The most important to include are any logos or brand marks, the colour palette and the typography, because once they are in order then you have enough of a brand identity to start making marketing materials, such as business cards, leaflets and booklets. For马鞍针迹手印, a popular marketing material, visit Printivity. Most brand boards include the following five elements:

  1. Logo Design, Logo Variations, and Brand Marks:Featuring your logos in one location helps your staff and stakeholders know where to find the most up-to-date company logo. All approved variations of your logo should be featured. If there’s space on this one-page board, you can also include your brand marks, such as the branded full-text version of your company name or the look of your logo icon standing on its own.
  2. Color Palette:These are the colors you will use throughout all organizational communications, from your marketing materials to your website. Include on your brand board the specific RGB or CMYK numbers for your colors so that all organizational stakeholders use the exact right colors.
  3. Typography:使用一致字体有助于在客户端和领导中创建品牌的清晰记忆。选择合适的两个字体,并确定哪个是标题字体,其将用于复制/段落文本。
  4. Brand Chemistry:这个元素对我们的品牌板是独一无二的,而不是传统上包括的东西。所有内容策略都应该讨论您的品牌化学,这是您品牌的“字符类型”的品牌化学。阅读更多关于如何识别我们在我们的品牌化学的更多信息内容策略系列
  5. Mood Board:您的品牌委员会的这一部分是为创意播放。您希望在您的内容营销材料和通信中使用哪些图像?您如何以视觉方式捕获组织的文化?在您的网站和其他沟通中发布图像,以激励您的公司文化。





Once you create a brand board, you can create a brand vision board. Never heard of a brand vision board? That’s because we made it up!查看我们在这里创建品牌愿景板的见解。

Brand Vision Board

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